

時間:2009-12-01 14:12   來源:臺胞之家網



   The Rukai tribe is the sixth largest of Taiwan’s indigenous tribes. It can be divided into three groups based on distribution. Most Rukai live in Wutai Township of Pingtung County and are referred to as the western Rukai. Those living in Beinan and Jinfeng townships of Taitung County are called the eastern Rukai. There are also Rukai communities in Maolin Township of Kaohsiung County. Historically, the Rukai of Maolin Township did not have contact with the western Rukai and over time there emerged differences in language. 

   Rukai refers to “the people living deep in the mountains”. The Rukai have a strict social hierarchy, and only the oldest son can inherit the family property. The chieftain could not inquire about the public affairs of the village, but served as the last line of mediation and intervention. The village was governed by clan elders and military strategy was decided by consensus among the warriors. 

   The Rukai respect the authority of the chieftain. In addition, they place great importance on a social hierarchy with a nobility and common class and clear distinctions between them. For example, certain patterns on clothing and accessories could only be used by the nobility and chieftain, and worn by persons of the common class with the permission of the chieftain. These included human head, hundred-pace pit viper, lily blossom and earthenware vessel patterns. The lily denotes social order and moral behavior. The right to wear this flower in the headdress was only granted to warriors who exhibited outstanding character and to young women of virtue and chastity.

   Many of the Rukai ceremonies and festivals mark the changing of the seasons or different stages of life. The major ceremonies are the Millet Harvest Festival and Harvest Festival, which take place each year in August. In November, Duona Village in Maolin Township holds the Dark Grain Festival.

