把握兩岸關係和平發展主題 努力推進祖國和平統一大業 ——中國和平統一促進會七屆二次理事大會工作報告Holding the Theme of Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations and Striving to Promote Peaceful National Reunification — Work Report at the 2nd Session of the 7th CCPPR Managing Directors Assembly |
劉延東Liu Yandong |
在“全球促進中國和平統一高峰論壇”上的致詞 Speech at the Global Summit Forum on the Promotion of China’s Peaceful Reunification | 韓元秀Han Yuanxiu |
期待跨越那一灣淺淺的海水——全球華人共議祖國統一Looking Forward to Crossing the Shallow Straits — Global Chinese People Expect China’s Reunification |
徐蕾Xu Lei |
邁向“法理臺獨”的告白書——評民進黨“正常國家決議文”A Public Notification for “de jure Independence” — On DPP’s “Resolution for a Normal Nation” |
余克禮Yu Keli |
對臺工作新戰略的光輝文獻Glorious Documents on New Strategies for Works Related to Taiwan Affairs | 劉紅Liu Hong |
民進黨玩弄“入聯公投”欲何為?What Is the Intention of DPP to Set Forth “Referendum Bid for UN Membership”? |
黨朝勝 Dang Chaosheng |
促交流 謀合作 創新局——十六大以來兩岸文化交流綜述Promoting Exchanges, Seeking Cooperation, Creating a New Stage — Overview of the Cross-Straits Cultural Communications Since the 16th CPC National Congress |
張華Zhang Hua |
當前美日對臺戰略的困境US and Japan Predicament in Strategies on the Taiwan Issue | 陳先才Chen Xiancai |
積極推動兩岸開啟和平協議商談Pushing Forward the Cross-Straits Talks on Peace Agreement | [加拿大] 車英麟[Canada] Che Yinglin |
陳水扁何以如此囂張How Can Chen Shui-bian Be So Rampant? | [菲律賓] 董拔萃[Philippines] Dong Bacui |
“入聯公投”危及臺海和平Commemorating the Recovery of Taiwan, Promoting Peaceful Reunification Hong Kong Lin Youshu | [澳大利亞] 丘廣齡[Australia]Qiu Guangling |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils | |
紀念臺灣光復 促進和平統一Commemorating the Recovery of Taiwan, Promoting Peaceful Reunification | 香港 林友樹Hong Kong Lin Youshu |
全球曾氏一家人 兩岸曾姓一家親 The Global Family and Cross-Straits Affinities of People by the Surname of Tsang | 香港 曾文仲Hong Kong Tsang Wenzhong |
臺灣經濟競爭力大幅下滑的省思Review on the Decline of Taiwan Economic Competitiveness | 張玉冰hang Yubing |
民進黨上臺後政商關係的建構及其影響The Construction and Influence of the Government-Business Relations After DPP Took the Power | 陳星Chen Xing |
詩,應該是靈魂最真切的日記——記余光中的民族文化情懷Poetry: The Most Vivid Diary of the Soul — The National Cultural Nostalgia of Yu Guangzhong |
徐青Xu Qing |
過蘇澳Passing Suao | 黃俊群 蔣春發Huang Junqun/Jiang Chunfa |
臺灣冬節習俗Taiwan’s Winter Festival Customs | 林長華Lin Changhua |
澳門各界人士譴責臺灣當局的“入聯公投” Macao People Condemn Taiwan Authorities’ “Referendum Bid for UN Membership” |