

時間:2008-01-07 14:08   來源:統一論壇


  推進“一國兩制”實踐和祖國和平統一大業Promoting the Practice of “One Country,Two Systems” and the Cause of Peaceful National Reunification  
  順應時代要求 符合人民意願—— 部分臺港澳和海外統促會代表人士積極評價中共十七大報告 National Reunification   — Positive Comments from Taiwan、Hong Kong、 Macao and Overseas CCPPR Representatives on Hu Jintao’s Report at the 17th CPC National Congress  
  在中國特色社會主義偉大旗幟下奮勇前進Advancing Forward under the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics  
  繼續貫徹對臺工作大政方針 堅決反對“臺獨”分裂活動Continuing the General Guidelines on Taiwan Affairs,Firmly Opposing “Taiwan Independence” Activities  
  反“獨”促統 任重道遠Opposing “Taiwan Independence” and Promoting National Reunification
—A Historic Mission with a Long Way to Go
張何平Zhang Heping
  發揮澳門特殊平臺優勢 促進兩岸民間廣泛交流Exploiting the Advantage of Macao as a Special Platform to Promote Extensive Exchange Between People Across the Straits

澳門 劉藝良
Macao Liu Yiliang

  建立聯動機制 開創反“獨”促統新局面—— 參加中國統促會七屆二次理事大會和第六屆海外統促會會長會議心得 Establishing a Coordinated Mechanism to Start a New Phase for Opposing “Taiwan Independence” and Promoting National Reunification— Perception on the Participation of the 2nd Session of the 7th CCPPR Managing Directors Assembly and the 6th Overseas CCPPR Councilors Presidents Meeting

[美國] 花俊雄

[USA]Hua Junxiong

  陳水扁力推“入聯公投”是在以“臺獨”綁架民意Chen Shui-bian’s Promotion of Referendum Bid for UN Membership Is a Kidnapping of Public Opinions 劉廣才
Liu Guangcai
  陳水扁扯下了民進黨的“遮羞布”陳水扁扯下了民進黨的“遮羞布”Chen Shui-bian Tore Down the Fig Leaf of the DPP 董栓柱Dong Shuanzhu
   在全球華僑華人共建和諧世界促進中國和平統一 (布達佩斯2007)大會上的致詞Holding High the “One China” Banner,Building a Harmonious Cross-Straits Relation
— Speech at the Global Chinese Meeting for Constructing a Harmonious World and Promoting Peaceful Reunification of China (Budapest 2007)
[斯洛伐克] 張曼新
[Slovakia]Zhang Manxin
  加強兩岸交流 推進和平統一Enhancing Cross-Straits Exchange,Promoting Peaceful National Reunification [澳大利亞] 洪紹平[Australia]HongShaoping
  “兩岸一中”貫穿古今“Two Sides,One China”:From Past to Future [新加坡] 王基文[Singapore]wang jiwan
  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils  
  兩岸教育交流的現狀及前景分析 An Analysis of the Status Quo and Prospect of Cross-Straits Exchange in Education 崔萍Cui Ping
  青春海南行 演繹兩岸情——臺灣青年團海南行散記 Staging Cross-Straits Affections in Hainan— Notes on a Taiwan Youth Delegation’s Hainan Tour 黃俊群 蔣春發
Huang Junqun/Jiang Chunfa
  祖國寶島,在我心中—— 赴臺灣朝陽科技大學交換學習之感受The Precious Island,Always in My Heart— Impressions on an Exchange Study at Taiwan Chaoyang University of Technology 榮波Rong Bo
  老工業基地振興 黑土地厚積薄發 —— 2007海外臺商遼寧行紀實The Old Industrial Base Regains New Life on Black Soil— Record on the 2007 Liaoning Visit of Taiwan Businesspeople 吳海燕
Wu Haiyan
  臺灣股市:“繁榮”表像下的隱憂 Taiwan Stock Market: Hidden Trouble under a “Prosperous” Surface 張玉冰Zhang Yubing
  臺灣問題的由來The Origin of Taiwan Issue 李立Li Li
  “入聯公投”是陳水扁的最後一根稻草Referendum Bid for UN Membership: The Last Lifesaving Straw of Chen Shui-bian 張新聲ZhangXinsheng
  從魯迅在島內的影響看臺灣知識分子對祖國的認同A Perspective of Taiwan Intellectuals’ Identification of the Motherland from Lu Xun’s Influence on the Island 王震亞Wang Zhenya
  人去亭空 蔣介石魂係祖國大陸The Soul of Chiang Kai-shek Lingers on the Mainland 劉東華Liu Donghua
  中國和平統一促進會七屆三次常務理事會人事任免名單Personnel Appointment at the 3rd Session of CCPPR's 7th Managing directors Assembly  
  封面介紹 中國最美的自然保護區 —— 臥龍  


