在慶祝香港回歸10週年大會上的講話Speech at the Celebrations Marking the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to China | 胡錦濤Hu Jintao |
發展 和合 誠信—— 香港回歸10週年有感Development, Harmony, Sincerity — Congratulations to the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return |
化青Hua Qing |
香港成功實踐“一國兩制”十年對臺灣之影響Influence of Hong Kong's 10-Year Successful Practice of “One Country, Two Systems” Upon Taiwan | 臺灣 紀欣Taiwan Ji Xin |
東方明珠 燦爛依舊——紀念香港回歸十週年Oriental Pearl, Charming As Always— In Honor of the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return | 美國 葉大開 [America]Ye Dakai |
“澳門模式”探析An Analysis of the “Macao Mode” | 賀衛平He Weiping |
陳水扁當局推行“法理臺獨”的實際步驟Actual Steps of the ‘de jure Independence’ Implemented by the Chen Shui-bian Authority | 董栓柱Dong Shuanzhu |
“四點建議”是推動兩岸關係和平發展的行動綱領 “Four Suggestions”:Guiding Principles for the Promotion of a Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations |
[加拿大] 車英麟[Canada]Che Yinglin |
發揚抗戰精神 完成統一大業—— 紀念“七 七”抗戰爆發七十週年Carrying Forward the Anti-Aggression Spirit to Fulfill the Cause of National Reunification— In Honor of the 70th Anniversary of the “July 7th” Incident | [玻利維亞] 楊啟周[Bolivia]Yang Qizhou |
自取其辱的“臺獨”鬧劇The “Taiwan Independence” Scheme Will Bring Shame to Itself | [菲律賓] 董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui |
和諧的旋律在雪梨奏響Harmonious Rhythm Resounds in Sydney | [澳大利亞] 任傳功[Australia]Ren Chuangong |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils | |
對臺交流的新亮點—— 臺灣中南部鄉鎮長村里長及青年代表團荊楚行活動紀實A New Highlight in Cross-Straits Exchange — Tour Report of a Delegation of Township and Village Heads and Youngsters from Central and Southern Taiwan to Hubei Province |
石柏安Shi Bo’an |
交流遂願 情誼更濃—— 湖北宗教文化交流團赴臺交流紀實Closer Communications Enhance Passion and Friendship— Tour Report of a Hubei Religious Cultural Delegation to Taiwan | 徐元宏Xu Yuanhong |
略評“兩蔣”時期和陳水扁時期的臺灣經濟A Brief Review of Taiwan’s Economy during the Chiang Family’s Era and the Chen Shui-bian Era | 劉建興Liu Jianxing |
臺灣當局“文化臺獨”透視 A Perspective on Taiwan Authority’s “Cultural Taiwan Independence” | 胡謙Hu Qian |
民進黨的“入聯公投”是在玩火The DPP’s Referendum Bid for UN Membership Is Nothing But Playing with Fire | 蔡永飛Cai Yongfei |
官修私撰兩相宜—— 臺灣史志書摭談 About Taiwan Historical Records | 金人Jin Ren |
寶島臺灣The Precious Island of Taiwan | 李立 Li Li |
封面介紹 中國最美的自然傑作之 —— 黃龍 | |