深化兩岸經貿文化交流促進兩岸關係和平發展Reinforcing Cross-Straits Business and Cultural Exchange, Promoting Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations | |
在委內瑞拉中南美洲反“獨”促統大會上的致詞Creating a Great Cause with Collective Intelligence, Heralding a New Chapter with Joint Efforts —Speech at the Venezuela Convention of Central and South America for Opposing ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promoting Reunification |
梁金泉 Liang Jinquan |
回歸十年念小平In Commemoration of Deng Xiaoping Ten Years after Hong Kong’s Return | 央聯Yang Lian |
回歸十年香港在各方面取得重要的成就Hong Kong’s Remarkable Achievements over the Past Decade | 香港 曾蔭權HongKong Tsang Yam-kuen |
“一國兩制”香港繁榮穩定的保證‘One Country, Two Systems’: Guarantee of Hong Kong’s Prosperity and Stability —Enlightenment for the Settlement of Taiwan Issue | 曹駿Cao Jun |
港臺關係:十年回顧與未來展望Decade Retrospect and Prospect of Hong Kong-Taiwan Relations | 邢魁山Xing Kuishan |
謝長廷出線衝擊民進黨的政治生態Frank Hsieh Strikes Political Ecology of the Democratic Progressive Party | 王治國Wang Zhiguo |
“四要一沒有”是陳水扁拋出的“毒藥”‘Four Wants and One No’: The Poison of Chen Shui-bian | [加拿大]車英麟[Canada]Che Yinglin |
陳水扁再撒“獨”藥挑釁祖國大陸‘Chen Shui-bian Once Again Provoked the Mainland with the Poison of ‘Independence’ | [巴西]宋南屏[Brazil]Song Nanping |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils | |
國共兩黨構建穩固對話平臺 凝聚智慧關注兩岸同胞切身利益 ——第三屆兩岸經貿文化論壇紀實Constructing a Stable Dialogue Platform between CPC and Kuomintang to Care the Interests of Cross-Straits Compatriots —The 3rd Forum on Cross-Straits Business and Culture |
陳鍵興Chen Jianxing |
祖國大陸舉辦紀念程懋筠逝世50週年學術活動Academic Activities in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Cheng Maojun Held on the Mainland | 程潯 Cheng Xun |
豫臺經貿文化交流與合作現狀Henan-Taiwan Exchange and Cooperation in Business and Culture | 劉廣才Liu Guangcai |
發揚關公忠義精神 加速祖國和平統一 —— 海峽兩岸關公暨三國文化論壇志慶Carrying Forward the Loyal Spirit of Guan Yu, Speeding Up Peaceful National Reunification —In Celebration of the Cross-Straits Forum on Guan Yu and the Three Kingdoms Culture | 臺灣 郭俊次 Taiwan Guo Junci |
海峽一家親 兩岸一家人 One Family across the Straits | 香港 曾文仲HongKong Chan Boon-Teong |
蘇貞昌辭職為哪般?Why Did Su Tseng-chang Resign? | 柏連學Bai Lianxue |
臺灣高等教育的“肥大症”及其後果Hypertrophy of Taiwan’s Higher Education and Its Consequence | 劉建興Liu Jianxing |
臺灣競爭力下降原因分析臺灣競爭力下降原因分析An Analysis of the Competitiveness Drop of Taiwan | 王煥梅 Wang Huanmei |
從“公投綁大選”透視陳水扁推行“法理臺獨”的險惡用心 A Perspective of Chen Shui-bian’s ‘de jure Independence’ from ‘Referendum Election’ | 張新聲 Zhang Xinsheng |
國共兩黨同祭黃帝陵始末History of CPC-Kuomintang Joint Ceremony for Worshiping Yellow Emperor | 張國全 郭曉光Zhang Guoquan/Guo Xiaoguang |
寶島臺灣The Precious Island of Taiwan | 李立 Li Li |
心靈的故鄉——丁亥年黃帝故里拜祖大典側記 Home of Soul—Paying Homage to Ancestors in the Hometown of Yellow Emperor | 吳海燕Wu Haiyan |
傳播中華優秀傳統文化 增強中華兒女的凝聚力 Spreading Traditional Chinese Culture, Enhancing the Coherence of All the Chinese | 邱國義Qiu Guoyi |
屋頂上的文化精靈—— 漫話臺灣、閩南絕藝剪瓷雕 Cultural Spirit on Rooftop—Cut Porcelain Sculpture of Taiwan and Southern Fujian | 林長華 Lin Changhua |