

時間:2008-01-07 14:05   來源:統一論壇


  深化兩岸經貿文化交流促進兩岸關係和平發展Reinforcing Cross-Straits Business and Cultural Exchange, Promoting Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations
  在委內瑞拉中南美洲反“獨”促統大會上的致詞Creating a Great Cause with Collective Intelligence, Heralding a New Chapter with Joint Efforts —Speech at the Venezuela Convention of Central and South America for Opposing ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promoting Reunification
梁金泉 Liang Jinquan
  回歸十年念小平In Commemoration of Deng Xiaoping Ten Years after Hong Kong’s Return   央聯Yang Lian
  回歸十年香港在各方面取得重要的成就Hong Kong’s Remarkable Achievements over the Past Decade
香港 曾蔭權HongKong Tsang Yam-kuen
  “一國兩制”香港繁榮穩定的保證‘One Country, Two Systems’: Guarantee of Hong Kong’s Prosperity and Stability —Enlightenment for the Settlement of Taiwan Issue 曹駿Cao Jun
  港臺關係:十年回顧與未來展望Decade Retrospect and Prospect of Hong Kong-Taiwan Relations 邢魁山Xing Kuishan
  謝長廷出線衝擊民進黨的政治生態Frank Hsieh Strikes Political Ecology of the Democratic Progressive Party 王治國Wang Zhiguo
  “四要一沒有”是陳水扁拋出的“毒藥”‘Four Wants and One No’: The Poison of Chen Shui-bian [加拿大]車英麟[Canada]Che Yinglin
  陳水扁再撒“獨”藥挑釁祖國大陸‘Chen Shui-bian Once Again Provoked the Mainland with the Poison of ‘Independence’ [巴西]宋南屏[Brazil]Song Nanping
  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils  
  國共兩黨構建穩固對話平臺 凝聚智慧關注兩岸同胞切身利益
——第三屆兩岸經貿文化論壇紀實Constructing a Stable Dialogue Platform between CPC and Kuomintang to Care the Interests of Cross-Straits Compatriots —The 3rd Forum on Cross-Straits Business and Culture
陳鍵興Chen Jianxing
  祖國大陸舉辦紀念程懋筠逝世50週年學術活動Academic Activities in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Cheng Maojun Held on the Mainland 程潯 Cheng Xun
  豫臺經貿文化交流與合作現狀Henan-Taiwan Exchange and Cooperation in Business and Culture 劉廣才Liu Guangcai
  發揚關公忠義精神 加速祖國和平統一 —— 海峽兩岸關公暨三國文化論壇志慶Carrying Forward the Loyal Spirit of Guan Yu, Speeding Up Peaceful National Reunification —In Celebration of the Cross-Straits Forum on Guan Yu and the Three Kingdoms Culture 臺灣 郭俊次 Taiwan Guo Junci
  海峽一家親 兩岸一家人 One Family across the Straits 香港 曾文仲HongKong Chan Boon-Teong
  蘇貞昌辭職為哪般?Why Did Su Tseng-chang Resign? 柏連學Bai Lianxue
  臺灣高等教育的“肥大症”及其後果Hypertrophy of Taiwan’s Higher Education and Its Consequence 劉建興Liu Jianxing
  臺灣競爭力下降原因分析臺灣競爭力下降原因分析An Analysis of the Competitiveness Drop of Taiwan 王煥梅 Wang Huanmei
  從“公投綁大選”透視陳水扁推行“法理臺獨”的險惡用心 A Perspective of Chen Shui-bian’s ‘de jure Independence’ from ‘Referendum Election’ 張新聲 Zhang Xinsheng
  國共兩黨同祭黃帝陵始末History of CPC-Kuomintang Joint Ceremony for Worshiping Yellow Emperor 張國全 郭曉光Zhang Guoquan/Guo Xiaoguang
  寶島臺灣The Precious Island of Taiwan 李立 Li Li
  心靈的故鄉——丁亥年黃帝故里拜祖大典側記 Home of Soul—Paying Homage to Ancestors in the Hometown of Yellow Emperor 吳海燕Wu Haiyan
  傳播中華優秀傳統文化 增強中華兒女的凝聚力 Spreading Traditional Chinese Culture, Enhancing the Coherence of All the Chinese 邱國義Qiu Guoyi
  屋頂上的文化精靈—— 漫話臺灣、閩南絕藝剪瓷雕 Cultural Spirit on Rooftop—Cut Porcelain Sculpture of Taiwan and Southern Fujian 林長華 Lin Changhua


