沉舟側畔千帆過 病樹前頭萬木春—— 在十屆全國人大五次會議記者招待會上 溫家寶總理答中外記者問(節選)Wen Jiabao on the Taiwan Issue at a Press Conference During the 5th Session of the 10th National People’s Congress | |
“四要一沒有”與陳水扁的狂人心態P“Four Wants and One No” and Chen Shuibian’s Unscrupulous Mind | 劉紅 Liu Hong |
民進黨政權的“刨根”圖謀難以得逞TThe Democratic Progressive Party Regime’s Scheme of ‘Root Digging’ Will Not Succeed | 李家泉Li Jiaquan |
重溫兩岸關係發展史 反“獨”促統矢志不渝Reviewing the History of Cross-Straits Relations and Making Unremitting Efforts in Opposing ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promoting Reunification | [加拿大]車英麟 [Canada]Che Yinglin |
對臺灣當局的“正名”行徑決不可掉以輕心Taiwan Authorities’ Act of ‘Name Rectification’ Should Not Be Treated Lightly | [巴西]宋南屏[Brazil] Song Nanping |
“去中國化”伎倆是漸進式“臺獨”的毒招The ‘Desinification’ Trick Is One Step of the ‘Taiwan Independence’ Scheme | [澳大利亞]丘廣齡[Australia]Qiu Guangling |
警惕陳水扁狗急跳墻W The Taiwan Straits 2007 | [菲律賓]董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui |
反“獨”促統是長期而艱巨的任務Opposing ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promoting Reunification: An Arduous Long-Term Task | [智利]彭奮鬥[Chile]Peng Fendou |
“去中國化”是陳水扁的迷夢 ‘Desinification’ Nothing More Than a Daydream of Chen Shui-bian | [加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils | |
臺灣經濟凶兆不斷的原因Reasons for the Constant Threats to Taiwan’s Economy | 劉建興 Liu Jianxing |
臺灣紀行 Taiwan Travel Notes | 華嘉 Hua Jia |
堅持以人為本 發展兩岸關係—— 廈門經濟特區對臺工作實踐 Developing the Cross-Straits Relations on a People-Oriented Basis—The Work of Xiamen Special Economic Zone on Taiwan Affairs |
曹遠洲Cao Yuanzhou |
“去中國化”正在衝擊臺海現狀‘Desinification’ Is Impacting the Current Situation of the Taiwan Straits | 香港 覃永昭 Hongkong Qin Yongzhao |
閱讀臺北Perusing Taipei | 陳鍵興Chen Jianxing |
早日實現“臺灣遊”Expecting an Early Realization of ‘Taiwan Tour’ | 楊德明 Yang Deming |
從“四要一沒有”看“臺獨”真面目Perceiving the Real Features of ‘Taiwan Independence’ from ‘Four Wants and One No’ | 張新聲Zhang Xinsheng |
以史為鑒 面向未來—— 紀念臺灣人民“二 二八”起義60週年Taking History As a Mirror and Facing forward to the Future—In Honor of the 60th Anniversary of the ‘February 28 Uprising’ | 李立 Li Li |
新任臺北市長郝龍斌Hau Lung-bin, Newly-Elected Taipei Mayor | 徐青 Xu Qing |
臺灣建省及其意義The Significance of Establishing Taiwan Province | 宋淑玉Song Shuyu |
客籍臺灣作家與中華文化Taiwan-Based Hakkas Writers and Chinese Culture | 王震亞Wang Zhenya |
以中華優秀傳統文化為紐帶 促進祖國統一和民族復興 Promoting National Reunification and Rejuvenation with Chinese Traditional Culture as the Tie | 郭琪Guo Qi |
霧颱風情 Misty Charm of Taiwan | 黃俊群 蔣春發Huang Junqun/Jiang Chunfa |
海峽兩岸獨特的敬祖節The Distinctive Ancestor Worship Festival on Both Banks of the Taiwan Straits | 林長華Lin Changhua |
青藏鐵路——青藏高原的亮麗風景線(四)The Qinghai-Tibet Railway—A Breathtaking Landscape on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Ⅳ) | 佚名Yi Ming |