

時間:2008-01-07 14:04   來源:統一論壇
  沉舟側畔千帆過 病樹前頭萬木春—— 在十屆全國人大五次會議記者招待會上 溫家寶總理答中外記者問(節選)Wen Jiabao on the Taiwan Issue at a Press Conference During the 5th Session of the 10th National People’s Congress
  “四要一沒有”與陳水扁的狂人心態P“Four Wants and One No” and Chen Shuibian’s Unscrupulous Mind 劉紅 Liu Hong
  民進黨政權的“刨根”圖謀難以得逞TThe Democratic Progressive Party Regime’s Scheme of ‘Root Digging’ Will Not Succeed 李家泉Li Jiaquan
  重溫兩岸關係發展史 反“獨”促統矢志不渝Reviewing the History of Cross-Straits Relations and Making Unremitting Efforts in Opposing ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promoting Reunification [加拿大]車英麟 [Canada]Che Yinglin
  對臺灣當局的“正名”行徑決不可掉以輕心Taiwan Authorities’ Act of ‘Name Rectification’ Should Not Be Treated Lightly [巴西]宋南屏[Brazil] Song Nanping
  “去中國化”伎倆是漸進式“臺獨”的毒招The ‘Desinification’ Trick Is One Step of the ‘Taiwan Independence’ Scheme [澳大利亞]丘廣齡[Australia]Qiu Guangling
  警惕陳水扁狗急跳墻W The Taiwan Straits 2007 [菲律賓]董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui
  反“獨”促統是長期而艱巨的任務Opposing ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promoting Reunification: An Arduous Long-Term Task [智利]彭奮鬥[Chile]Peng Fendou
  “去中國化”是陳水扁的迷夢 ‘Desinification’ Nothing More Than a Daydream of Chen Shui-bian [加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao
  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils  
  臺灣經濟凶兆不斷的原因Reasons for the Constant Threats to Taiwan’s Economy 劉建興 Liu Jianxing
  臺灣紀行 Taiwan Travel Notes 華嘉 Hua Jia
  堅持以人為本 發展兩岸關係—— 廈門經濟特區對臺工作實踐
Developing the Cross-Straits Relations on a People-Oriented Basis—The Work of Xiamen Special Economic Zone on Taiwan Affairs
曹遠洲Cao Yuanzhou
  “去中國化”正在衝擊臺海現狀‘Desinification’ Is Impacting the Current Situation of the Taiwan Straits 香港 覃永昭 Hongkong Qin Yongzhao
   閱讀臺北Perusing Taipei 陳鍵興Chen Jianxing
  早日實現“臺灣遊”Expecting an Early Realization of ‘Taiwan Tour’ 楊德明 Yang Deming
  從“四要一沒有”看“臺獨”真面目Perceiving the Real Features of ‘Taiwan Independence’ from ‘Four Wants and One No’ 張新聲Zhang Xinsheng
  以史為鑒 面向未來—— 紀念臺灣人民“二二八”起義60週年Taking History As a Mirror and Facing forward to the Future—In Honor of the 60th Anniversary of the ‘February 28 Uprising’ 李立 Li Li
  新任臺北市長郝龍斌Hau Lung-bin, Newly-Elected Taipei Mayor 徐青 Xu Qing
  臺灣建省及其意義The Significance of Establishing Taiwan Province 宋淑玉Song Shuyu
  客籍臺灣作家與中華文化Taiwan-Based Hakkas Writers and Chinese Culture 王震亞Wang Zhenya
  以中華優秀傳統文化為紐帶 促進祖國統一和民族復興 Promoting National Reunification and Rejuvenation with Chinese Traditional Culture as the Tie 郭琪Guo Qi
  霧颱風情 Misty Charm of Taiwan 黃俊群 蔣春發Huang Junqun/Jiang Chunfa
  海峽兩岸獨特的敬祖節The Distinctive Ancestor Worship Festival on Both Banks of the Taiwan Straits 林長華Lin Changhua
   青藏鐵路——青藏高原的亮麗風景線(四)The Qinghai-Tibet Railway—A Breathtaking Landscape on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Ⅳ) 佚名Yi Ming


