進一步領會講話精神,發揮民間團體的優勢,努力推進兩岸關係和平穩定發展—— 在紀念江澤民同志《為促進祖國統一大業的完成而繼續奮鬥》重要講話發表十二週年座談會上的講話Speech at the Meeting to Commemorate the 12th Anniversary of Jiang Zemin’s Important Speech ‘Strive to Promote the Great Cause of the Reunification of the Motherland’ | 周鐵農ZhouTienong |
2006年兩岸關係回顧 A Retrospect of Cross-Straits Relations 2006 | 冷波Leng Bo |
十年來兩岸關係的震蕩與發展Turbulence and Development of Cross-Straits Relations over the Past Decade | 彭維學Peng Weixue |
解析美國對臺灣“倒扁”運動的態度An Analysis of US Attitude toward “Anti-Chen” Movement in Taiwan | 潘飛Pan Fei |
民進黨淪落腐弊根源透析The Source of Corruption of the Democratic Progressive Party | 張曉明Zhang Xiaoming |
根在祖國大陸 源是中華文化 從文化上做好反“臺獨”工作A Rooted in the Mainland, Sourced in Chinese Culture |
[西班牙] 徐松華 |
一個中國原則是海峽兩岸和諧發展、創建雙贏的基石One-China Principle Is the Cornerstone of Harmonious Development and a Win-Win Situation across the Straits | [俄羅斯] 馬東亞 [Russia]Ma Dongya |
做兩岸溝通的橋梁 為中華統一而獻力Making a Contribution to China’s Reunification as a Bridge across the Straits | [美國] 古銑賢 [America]Gu Xianxian |
為中國統一努力 Striving for the Great Goal of China’s Reunification | [馬達加斯加] 陳兆昌[Madagascar]Chen Zhaochang |
發揮地區優勢做美國主流社會的工作Winning over U.S. Mainstream Society by Exerting Local Advantage | [美國] 吳惠秋 [America]Wu Huiqiu |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils | |
2007年臺灣經濟走勢分析 The 2007 Taiwan Economic Trend | 劉建興Liu Jianxing |
“三通”對臺灣經濟發展有百利—— 從福州臺資企業發展談起Considerable Benefit of ‘Three Direct Links’ to Taiwan’s Economic Growth—From the Development of Taiwan-Funded Enterprises in Fuzhou | 沈秋貴Shen Qiugui |
高雄速寫:一個港口城市的興衰、幻化與尷尬Kaohsiung Snapshot: The Rise, Illusion and Embarrassment of a Port City | 陳鍵興Chen Jianxing |
臺灣海峽建隧道意義深遠 Constructing the Taiwan Straits Tunnel Is Of Profound Significance | 香港 林友樹 Hong Kong Lin Youshu |
金門縣長緣何倡議成立“金廈和平特區”Why Did Jinmen County Magistrate Propose the Establishment of a ‘Jinmen-Xiamen Special Peaceful Zone’? | 黃躍榮Huang Yuerong |
結 緣Tying the Knot | 臺灣 李成岳 Taiwan Li Chengyue |
情係中華 致力統一—— 全非洲中國和平統一促進會訪問團北京、杭州行側記 Cherishing Love for China, Making a Contribution to National Reunification—Travel Notes of an All-Africa CPPCC Delegation in Beijing and Hangzhou | 熊存初Xiong Cunchu |
促進祖國和平統一的衛士江永生 Jiang Yongsheng, a Guardian of Peace | 劍虹Jian Hong |
從國民黨主席到“永遠的義工”From Kuomintang President to a ‘Permanent Volunteer’ | 徐青Xu Qing |
華僑華人反“獨”促統隊伍發展的由來The Origin of the Global Chinese Campaign to Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote National Reunification | 王北新Wang Beixin |
客家文化—— 極具特色和活力的族群文化客家文化Hakka Culture—A Distinctive and Vigorous Culture of Clan | 汪義生JWang Yisheng |
青藏鐵路—— 青藏高原的亮麗風景線(三)The Qinghai-Tibet Railway—A Breathtaking Landscape on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Ⅲ) | 佚名Yi Ming |
鹿港——悠遠的古意情懷Lukang—A Lingering Nostalgia | 孫宇Sun Yu |
海峽隔不斷的深深相思 血脈永相連的濃濃親情—— 觀影片《雲水謠》 Deep Love Inseparable by the Straits and National Affection Bonded by Blood —Impressions of the Movie ‘The Knot’ |
張新聲Zhang Xinsheng |
封面介紹 中國最美的山之——珠穆朗瑪” |