

時間:2007-03-14 17:17   來源:


  全球華僑華人促統大會召開 2006 Macao Global Chinese Meeting for Promoting China's Peaceful Reunification

  攜手同心 共促祖國和平統一大業—— 在全球華僑華人促進中國和平統一2006澳門大會上的講話Promoting Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland with One Soul—Speech at the 2006 Macao Global Chinese Meeting for Promoting China's Peaceful Reunification

劉延東Liu Yandong

  獻辭Inscription by Macao

澳門 崔世昌Cui Shichang

  獻辭Inscription by Macao

澳門 劉藝良Liu Yiliang

  賀辭Message of Congratulation from Hong Kong

香港 梁愛詩Liang Aishi

  賀辭Message of Congratulation from Taiwan

臺灣 郁慕明Yu Muming

  全球華僑華人促進中國和平統一2006澳門大會宣言 Declaration at the 2006 Macao Global Chinese Meeting for Promoting China's Peaceful ReunificationReunification


  相互交流合作 共促中國統一 TPromoting China's Reunification through Exchanges and Cooperation

[尼日利亞] 胡介國[Nigeria]Hu Jieguo

  兩岸同胞攜手合作 共促祖國統一大業 Promoting National Reunification Hand in Hand across the Straits

[德國] 葉海傑[Germany]Ye Haijie

  臺北、高雄市長選舉對未來臺灣政局的影響Taipei and Kaohsiung Mayoral Elections Set Off Alarm Bell to Ma Ying-jeou

彭維學Peng Weixue

  割斷歷史 背離民意 製造對立 曲線“臺獨”—— 析陳水扁政權陷入困境的原因Breaking History, Violating Public Will, Establishing Contradiction, Struggling for Taiwan Independence?along a Curved Line—An Analysis of Reason for Chen Shui-bian Regime's Difficult Position

李家泉Li Jiaquan

  荒謬又違法的言行—— 駁“臺灣地位未定”與“法理臺獨”Absurd and Illegal Words and Actions—An Argument Against the Theories of Taiwan Status Undetermined?and De Jure Taiwan Independence?

曹 駿Cao Jun

  第五屆海外統促會會長會部分會長發言(二)Some Presidents' Speeches at the 5th Presidents Summit of CCPPR Overseas Councils (II)

  李遠哲的轉變Can Yuan Tseh Lee Carry Through the Campaign Against Chen Shui-bian?

[菲律賓] 董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui

  致陳水扁先生的公開信—— 兼論臺灣海峽兩岸和平之願景An Open Letter to Chen Shui-bian— Also On Aspiration for Peace across the Straits

[斯洛伐克] 張曼新[Slovak]Zhang Manxin

  值得深思的北、高選舉結果—— 兼評陳水扁在選戰中的伎倆Taipei and Kaohsiung Mayoral Elections Result: Worthy of Consideration—Comment Also On Chen Shui-bian's Tricks in Election Campaigns

[加拿大] 劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao

  為早日實現和平統一而奮鬥—— 紀念孫中山先生誕辰140週年Struggling for Early Realization of Peaceful Reunification
—In Honor of the 140th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

[巴西] 張無咎[Brazil]Zhang Wujiu

  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  我們把祖國的統一當作事業來做—— 全非洲中國和平統一促進會負責人訪談We Take National Reunification as Our Career
—An Interview to All-Africa CCPPR

周 彤Zhou Tong

  臺灣經濟不振的原因何在?—— 析“內憂”與“外患”之説What Caused Taiwan's Economic Depression
—Also On the Theories of Domestic Turmoil?and Foreign Aggression?

劉建興 高立平Liu Jianxing/Gao Liping

  釣魚臺裏話友誼—— 記遲浩田將軍會見李安尼將軍Friendship Permeates Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
—General Chi Haotian's Interview with General Sileira Lee

王冀軍Wang Jijun

  海峽兩岸人民共禦外侮的歷史見證Historical Witness to Cross-Straits Common Resistance Against Foreign Aggressions

張新聲Zhang Xinsheng

   會—— 慈濟志工江蘇行紀實Spreading the Seeds of Love —Charity Volunteers' Trip to Jiangsu

梵 寧Fan Ning

  青藏鐵路——青藏高原的亮麗風景線(二)The Qinghai-Tibet Railway — A Breathtaking Landscape on the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau(II) n

佚 名Yi Ming

  同船之歌Two Poems

[加拿大] 洪光良[Panama]Zhong Yuejun




