

時間:2007-03-14 16:49   來源:


  賈慶林就推進兩岸農業交流提出四點建議Jia Qinglin's Four-Point Proposal to Further Cross-Strait Agricultural Exchange

  抓住機遇,乘勢而上,推動反“獨”促統運動深入發展Seizing Opportunities to Push Forward the Movement of Opposing “Taiwan Independence” and Promoting National Reunification

劉延東Liu Yandong

  關於當前形勢與反“獨”促統工作On the Current Situation and the Work of Opposing “Taiwan Independence” and Promoting National Reunification

梁金泉Liang Jinquan

  第五屆海外統促會會長會部分會長發言(一)Some Presidents' Speeches at the 5th Presidents Summit of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  特別報道Special Report


  能否走完這個任期Can Chen Shuibian Complete His Current Tenure?

李家泉Li Jiaquan

  臺獨”是臺灣社會的一劫“Taiwan Independence” Will be a Catastrophe of Taiwan Society

劉紅Liu Hong

  民進黨政治生態轉換及其對兩岸關係的影響The Influence of the Political Transformation of Democratic Progressive Party on the Cross-Strait Relations

徐博東 陳星Xu Bodong/Chen Xing

  倒扁”運動對島內政局和兩岸關係影響重大The Significant Influence of “Anti-Chen” Demonstration upon Taiwan's Political Situation and Cross-Strait Relations

彭維學Peng Weixue

  從“魁獨”的失敗看“臺獨”的命運 The Failure of “Quebec Independence” Forecasts the Fate of “Taiwan Independence”

杜裕祿Du Yulu

  兩岸交流邁出的新步伐A New Step Forward in Cross-Strait Exchange'

劉建興Liu Jianxing

  抬起頭來走路 做個堂堂正正的中國人Being a Honorable Chinese with Head Up

[紐西蘭]王建京[Philippines]Dong Bacui

  不應“止謗” 應該“自責”Self-Accusation Rather Than Stopping Criticism over Scandals

[菲律賓]董拔萃[Spain]Xu Songhua

  手握手 心連心 炎黃子孫一家人Hand in Hand; Heart to Heart

吳海燕Wu Haiyan

  積極管理”難擋兩岸經貿發展熱潮“Active Administration” Can Hardly Stop the Rising Tide of Cross-Strait Business Communications

陳險峰 王建民Chen xianfeng/Wang Jianmin

  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief : Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils

  讓臺灣農産品在祖國大陸更鮮更廉Making Taiwan Agricultural Products Fresher and Less Expensive in Mainland Market

海冰Hai Bing

  促進兩岸交流、溝通 實現祖國融合、統一Promoting Cross-Strait Exchange and Communications; Realizing National Integration and Unification

香港 陳守仁Hong Kong Chen Shouren

  寄希望於理性的臺灣人民Placing Hope on Rational People of Taiwan

香港 岑永生Hong Kong Cen Yongsheng

  遊子心聲Heartfelt Wishes of a Man Far away from Home

臺灣 李成岳Taiwan Li Chengyue

  反貪腐倒扁”運動概觀'An Overview of the “Anti-Corruption, Dump-Chen” Movement

鬱川虎Yu Chuanhu

  一個淡水鎮,半部臺灣史”Danshui Town: Half the History of Taiwan

蔣春發 黃俊群Jiang Chunfa/Huang Junqun

  月娘媽”下臺灣島“Mother Moon” Descends to Taiwan Island

林長華Lin Changhua

  回鄉團圓的路更近了Making the Way Shorter for Home Reunion

孫宇Sun Yu



