胡錦濤強調加強海內外中華兒女大團結Hu Jintao Stresses Greater Unity Among Chinese Around the World |
促進兩岸經貿交流 落實惠及臺胞政策Promoting Cross-Strait Business Communications, Implementing Policies Beneficial to the Taiwan Compatriots |
海冰Hai Bing |
用“憲改”推進“法理臺獨”的實質與危害The Substance and Jeopardy of 'De Jure Taiwan Independence' through 'Constitution Revision' |
謝鬱Xie Yu |
國際法不容許“住民自決”和“新憲公投”International Law Will Not Accept 'Aboriginal Self-Government' and 'Referendum on a New Constitution' |
劉文宗Liu Wenzong |
陳水扁政權的主要特點The Main Traits of Chen Shuibian's Regime |
李家泉Li Jiaquan |
“後扁時代”的臺灣局勢觀察A Perspective on Taiwan Situation in the 'Late-Bian Period' |
彭維學Peng Weixue |
陳水扁為何能茍延殘喘?Why Can Chen Shuibian Still Linger on in a Worsening Condition? |
[菲律賓]董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui |
中華傳統文化與一個中國的關係The Relation of Traditional Chinese Culture to 'One China' |
[澳大利亞]李國華[Australia]Li Guohua |
堅持和實踐孫中山的國家統一思想Adhering to the Practice of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Theory of National Reunification |
[俄羅斯]馬東亞[Russia]Ma Dongya |
以民族血緣為紐帶 做合作交流的橋梁Serving as a Bridge for Cooperation and Communications with National Kindred as the Link |
[西班牙]徐松華[Spain]Xu Songhua |
陳水扁是臺灣的亂源Chen Shuibian: Taiwan's Source of Chaos |
[美國]黃企之[America]Huang Qizhi |
阿扁下臺 臺灣之福Seeing Chen Shuibian Step Down from Stage Would Be a Blessing for Taiwan People |
[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief : Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils |
偷得浮生半日閒Enjoying a Leisure Time |
臺灣 李成岳Taiwan Li Chengyue |
回鄉偶書Casual Note on Homecoming |
臺灣 吾家玲Taiwan Wu Jialing |
臺灣島內十五件弊案實錄Memoir on 15 Embezzlement Cases in Taiwan |
張雲麗Zhang Yunli |
透過“第一家庭”弊案 察看臺灣當局“政績”Reviewing Taiwan Authorities' Performance through Its 慒irst Family?Corruption Scandals |
蔡永飛Cai Yongfei |
臺灣高等教育之“怪現象”'Strange Phenomena' of Taiwan's Higher Education |
陳鍵興Chen Jianxing |
徽商、晉商與臺商的似與不似—兼駁陳水扁的“缺乏愛臺”説Similarities and Differences Between Anhui and Shanxi Merchants and Taiwan Businesspeople—Denouncing Chen Shuibian's Fallacy That Taiwan Businesspeople Lack Love for Taiwan |
盧旭東Lu Xudong |
傳承中華文化 激起鄉情共鳴—北京京劇院在臺公益演出紀實Spreading Chinese Culture and Arousing Nostalgic Resonance—Record on a Charity Performance in Taiwan Presented by the Peking Opera Theatre of Beijing |
臺灣 陳孝忠Taiwan Chen Xiaozhong |
朋友,讓我們2008年再相見—記第七屆京臺青少年交流周See You Again in 2008, My Friends!—The 7th Beijing-Taiwan Youth Exchange Week |
張宏微Zhang Hongwei |
青春在海南激昂—2006“寶島行”海峽兩岸大學生夏令營散記Youth Glitters in Hainan—Random Notes on the 2006 'Island Tour' Summer Camp of Cross-Strait College Students |
蔣春發/鄭軍軍Jiang Chunfa/Zheng Junjun |
“我之故鄉,是中國大陸”—于右任先生的大陸情結'My Home Is in the Mainland'—Mr. Yu Youren's Destined Ties with China's Mainland |
劉東華Liu Donghua |
瑰集鮮明中華民族特色的媽祖文化Matzu Culture: Mirroring the Characteristics of the Chinese Nation |
薛三讓Xue Sanrang |
青藏鐵路 — 青藏高原的亮麗風景線 (一)The Qinghai-Tibet Railway—A Breathtaking Landscape on the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau(I) |
佚名Yi Ming |
雷濱和他的貧民區“小屋”Lei Bin and His Slum House |
王學軍Wang Xuejun |