

時間:2006-09-06 16:10   來源:


  胡錦濤強調加強海內外中華兒女大團結Hu Jintao Stresses Greater Unity Among Chinese Around the World


  促進兩岸經貿交流 落實惠及臺胞政策Promoting Cross-Strait Business Communications, Implementing Policies Beneficial to the Taiwan Compatriots

海冰Hai Bing

  用“憲改”推進“法理臺獨”的實質與危害The Substance and Jeopardy of 'De Jure Taiwan Independence' through 'Constitution Revision'

謝鬱Xie Yu

  國際法不容許“住民自決”和“新憲公投”International Law Will Not Accept 'Aboriginal Self-Government' and 'Referendum on a New Constitution'

劉文宗Liu Wenzong

  陳水扁政權的主要特點The Main Traits of Chen Shuibian's Regime

李家泉Li Jiaquan

  後扁時代”的臺灣局勢觀察A Perspective on Taiwan Situation in the 'Late-Bian Period'

彭維學Peng Weixue

  陳水扁為何能茍延殘喘?Why Can Chen Shuibian Still Linger on in a Worsening Condition?

[菲律賓]董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui

  中華傳統文化與一個中國的關係The Relation of Traditional Chinese Culture to 'One China'

[澳大利亞]李國華[Australia]Li Guohua

  堅持和實踐孫中山的國家統一思想Adhering to the Practice of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Theory of National Reunification

[俄羅斯]馬東亞[Russia]Ma Dongya

  以民族血緣為紐帶 做合作交流的橋梁Serving as a Bridge for Cooperation and Communications with National Kindred as the Link

[西班牙]徐松華[Spain]Xu Songhua

  陳水扁是臺灣的亂源Chen Shuibian: Taiwan's Source of Chaos

[美國]黃企之[America]Huang Qizhi

  阿扁下臺 臺灣之福Seeing Chen Shuibian Step Down from Stage Would Be a Blessing for Taiwan People

[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao

  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief : Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  偷得浮生半日閒Enjoying a Leisure Time

臺灣 李成岳Taiwan Li Chengyue

  回鄉偶書Casual Note on Homecoming

臺灣 吾家玲Taiwan Wu Jialing

  臺灣島內十五件弊案實錄Memoir on 15 Embezzlement Cases in Taiwan

張雲麗Zhang Yunli

  透過“第一家庭”弊案 察看臺灣當局“政績”Reviewing Taiwan Authorities' Performance through Its irst Family?Corruption Scandals

蔡永飛Cai Yongfei

  臺灣高等教育之“怪現象”'Strange Phenomena' of Taiwan's Higher Education

陳鍵興Chen Jianxing

  徽商、晉商與臺商的似與不似—兼駁陳水扁的“缺乏愛臺”Similarities and Differences Between Anhui and Shanxi Merchants and Taiwan Businesspeople—Denouncing Chen Shuibian's Fallacy That Taiwan Businesspeople Lack Love for Taiwan

盧旭東Lu Xudong

  傳承中華文化 激起鄉情共鳴—北京京劇院在臺公益演出紀實Spreading Chinese Culture and Arousing Nostalgic Resonance—Record on a Charity Performance in Taiwan Presented by the Peking Opera Theatre of Beijing

臺灣 陳孝忠Taiwan Chen Xiaozhong

  朋友,讓我們2008年再相見—記第七屆京臺青少年交流周See You Again in 2008, My Friends!—The 7th Beijing-Taiwan Youth Exchange Week

張宏微Zhang Hongwei

  青春在海南激昂—2006“寶島行”海峽兩岸大學生夏令營散記Youth Glitters in Hainan—Random Notes on the 2006 'Island Tour' Summer Camp of Cross-Strait College Students

蔣春發/鄭軍軍Jiang Chunfa/Zheng Junjun

  我之故鄉,是中國大陸”—于右任先生的大陸情結'My Home Is in the Mainland'—Mr. Yu Youren's Destined Ties with China's Mainland

劉東華Liu Donghua

  瑰集鮮明中華民族特色的媽祖文化Matzu Culture: Mirroring the Characteristics of the Chinese Nation

薛三讓Xue Sanrang

  青藏鐵路 — 青藏高原的亮麗風景線 (一)The Qinghai-Tibet Railway—A Breathtaking Landscape on the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau(I)

佚名Yi Ming

  雷濱和他的貧民區“小屋”Lei Bin and His Slum House

王學軍Wang Xuejun




