

時間:2006-09-06 16:05   來源:

  胡錦濤就推動兩岸關係和平發展提出四點建議Four Suggestions on Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations Put Forth by Hu Jintao


  兩岸經貿論壇影響深遠A Profound Influence of the Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Forum

彭維學Peng Weixue

  寒流終究遮不住春風—兩岸經貿關係的大時大勢Spring Will Come in Spite of Cold Currents—The Destined Trend of Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Relations

陳鍵興Chen Jianxing

  聖地亞哥宣言Santiago Declaration


  充分發揮民間優勢 為實現祖國的完全統一奮鬥—在中南美洲中國和平統一促進會2006年智利大會上的發言Giving Full Play to Civilian Advantages; Striving for the Complete Reunification of the Motherland—Speech at the 2006 Chile Conference of the Central and Southern America Council for Promoting Peaceful Reunification of China

李長華Li Changhua

  為中國統一矢志不渝─在中南美洲中國和平統一促進會2006年智利大會上的講話Making Unremitting Efforts for the National Reunification of China—Speech at the 2006 Chile Conference of the Central and Southern America Council for Promoting Peaceful Reunification of China

[智利]彭奮鬥[Chile]Peng Fendou

  堅持以熱愛祖國為榮 以危害祖國為恥─絕不允許“臺獨”分裂勢力以任何名義、任何方式把臺灣從中國分裂出去Love the Country; Do It No Harm—Never Allow Anyone to Separate Taiwan from the Motherland by Any Means

[斯洛伐克]張曼新[Slovakia]Zhang Manxin

  加強交流與合作 促進中國和平統一大業早日實現─在美國芝加哥“中國論壇”上的講話Increasing Cross-Straits Exchange and Cooperation; Building Peaceful and Steady Cross-Straits Relations—Speech at the China Forum, Chicago

王冀軍Wang Jijun

  中國和平統一促進會訪問團訪問美國、智利CCPPR Delegation Visits U.S. and Chile


  既違國際法 又悖民族理─駁陳水扁鼓吹的“法理臺獨”An Infringement of International Law and a Contravention of National Principles—Criticizing the So-Called 'De Jure Taiwan Independence' Advocated by Chen Shui-bian

劉文宗Liu Wenzong

  分裂國土是其罪惡目的─評“法理臺獨”的形成及流變軌跡A Vicious Objective: Splitting the Country—On the Origin and Evolution Track of the So-Called 'De Jure Taiwan Independence'?

黨朝勝Dang Chaosheng

  真正的動機是什麼?─析陳水扁下令拆除“兩蔣”銅像What Is the Real Motive?—An Analysis of Chen Shui-bian's Order of Removing the Statues of Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo from Taiwan Military Camps

李家泉Li Jiaquan

  各自陳述立場 雙方差距明顯─從“扁馬會”看島內未來政治走向Presenting the Standpoints of Each Party; Leaving a Distinctive Gap in Between—A Forecast of Taiwan's Political Trend from the Meeting of Chen Shui-bian with Ma Ying-jeou

蔡永飛Cai Yongfei

  支援兩岸經貿論壇的聲明Supporting the Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Forum Statement

[澳大利亞]邱維廉[Australia]Qiu Weilian

  《反分裂國家法》週年看臺海形勢變化A Glimpse of the Taiwan Straits Situation at the 1st Anniversary of the Anti-Secession Law

[菲律賓]董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui

  中國的強盛是和平統一的保證National Prosperity Is the Guarantee of a Peaceful Reunification of China

[巴西]裘克毅[Brazil]Qiu Keyi

  延續“和平之旅”再譜發展新篇—記國共兩黨成功舉辦兩岸經貿論壇Carrying On the ourney of Peace?to Compose a New Chapter of Development—The Success of the Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Forum Jointly Held by the CPC and Kuomintang

[柬埔寨]馮利發[Cambodia]Feng Lifa

  海內外中華兒女同心同德 為祖國統一貢獻力量Chinese All Over the World Share the Common Desire of Making Contributions to China's Reunification

[美國]陳家傑[America]Chen Jiajie

  臺獨”冒險還能走多How Long Can 'Taiwan Independence' Run?

[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao

  海外統促會簡訊News in Brief About the Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  是政治騙局還是經濟策略—臺灣“經濟永續發展會議”質疑Political Fraud or Economic Strategy?—Queries on Taiwan's Convention for a Sustained Development of Economy

劉建興 高立平Liu Jianxing/Gao Liping

  大陸15項對臺灣新措施是兩岸關係新契機The Mainland's 15 New Measures toward Taiwan Bring New Opportunities to Cross-Straits Relations

香港 陳守仁Hongkong Chen Shouren

  三重變奏下“簡繁之爭”Simplified Chinese Characters or Original Complex Forms of the Characters?

謝濤Xie Tao

  傳統模式與現代格局複合型城市─臺灣的市街漫遊An Integration of Traditional Modes with Modern Structures—Strolling in Taiwan's Urban Streets

石英Shi Ying

  兩岸同根 七夕同俗—獨具風情的閩南、臺灣“情人節”Sharing the Same Root and Common Customs across the Straits—The Distinctive overs Festival?Observed by the People of Taiwan and Southern Fujian

林長華Lin Changhua

  撒播文化種子,喚回鄉情認同—記北京京劇院赴臺灣南部公益演出Spreading Seeds of Culture; Obtaining the Recognition of Compatriots—A Charity Performance in Southern Taiwan Presented by the Peking Opera Theatre of Beijing

吳前進Wu Qianjin

  傳承少林文化 弘揚少林精神Inheriting Shaolin Culture; Spreading Shaolin Spirit

布朗Bu Lang

  閩臺文化交流與海峽西岸經濟區建設The Fujian-Taiwan Cultural Exchanges and the Construction of the West Straits Bank Economic Zone

李瑞德 蘇振芳Li Ruide/Su Zhenfang

  中華武術搭起兩岸文化交流的橋梁—記“海峽兩岸中華武術論壇”Chinese Martial Arts Bridge the Cultural Exchanges across the Straits—The Cross-Straits Forum on Chinese Martial Arts

郭琪Guo Qi

  雪竇山小記A Short Note on Mt. Xuedou

王維友Wang Weiyou

  張學良及其《謁延平詞》Zhang Xueliang and His Pay Homage at Zheng Chonggong's Mausoleum

香港 林友樹Hongkong Lin Youshu



