胡錦濤就推動兩岸關係和平發展提出四點建議Four Suggestions on Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations Put Forth by Hu Jintao |
兩岸經貿論壇影響深遠A Profound Influence of the Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Forum |
彭維學Peng Weixue |
寒流終究遮不住春風—兩岸經貿關係的大時大勢Spring Will Come in Spite of Cold Currents—The Destined Trend of Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Relations |
陳鍵興Chen Jianxing |
聖地亞哥宣言Santiago Declaration |
充分發揮民間優勢 為實現祖國的完全統一奮鬥—在中南美洲中國和平統一促進會2006年智利大會上的發言Giving Full Play to Civilian Advantages; Striving for the Complete Reunification of the Motherland—Speech at the 2006 |
李長華Li Changhua |
為中國統一矢志不渝─在中南美洲中國和平統一促進會2006年智利大會上的講話Making Unremitting Efforts for the National Reunification of China—Speech at the 2006 Chile Conference of the Central and Southern America Council for Promoting Peaceful Reunification of China |
[智利]彭奮鬥[Chile]Peng Fendou |
堅持以熱愛祖國為榮 以危害祖國為恥─絕不允許“臺獨”分裂勢力以任何名義、任何方式把臺灣從中國分裂出去Love the Country; Do It No Harm—Never Allow Anyone to Separate |
[斯洛伐克]張曼新[Slovakia]Zhang Manxin |
加強交流與合作 促進中國和平統一大業早日實現─在美國芝加哥“中國論壇”上的講話Increasing Cross-Straits Exchange and Cooperation; Building Peaceful and Steady Cross-Straits Relations—Speech at the |
王冀軍Wang Jijun |
中國和平統一促進會訪問團訪問美國、智利CCPPR Delegation Visits U.S. and |
既違國際法 又悖民族理─駁陳水扁鼓吹的“法理臺獨”An Infringement of International Law and a Contravention of National Principles—Criticizing the So-Called 'De Jure Taiwan Independence' Advocated by Chen Shui-bian |
劉文宗Liu Wenzong |
分裂國土是其罪惡目的─評“法理臺獨”的形成及流變軌跡A Vicious Objective: Splitting the Country—On the Origin and Evolution Track of the So-Called 'De Jure |
黨朝勝Dang Chaosheng |
真正的動機是什麼?─析陳水扁下令拆除“兩蔣”銅像What Is the Real Motive?—An Analysis of Chen Shui-bian's Order of Removing the Statues of Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo from Taiwan Military Camps |
李家泉Li Jiaquan |
各自陳述立場 雙方差距明顯─從“扁馬會”看島內未來政治走向Presenting the Standpoints of Each Party; Leaving a Distinctive Gap in Between—A Forecast of Taiwan's Political Trend from the Meeting of Chen Shui-bian with Ma Ying-jeou |
蔡永飛Cai Yongfei |
支援兩岸經貿論壇的聲明Supporting the Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Forum Statement |
[澳大利亞]邱維廉[Australia]Qiu Weilian |
《反分裂國家法》週年看臺海形勢變化A Glimpse of the Taiwan Straits Situation at the 1st Anniversary of the Anti-Secession Law |
[菲律賓]董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui |
中國的強盛是和平統一的保證National Prosperity Is the Guarantee of a Peaceful Reunification of China |
[巴西]裘克毅[Brazil]Qiu Keyi |
延續“和平之旅”再譜發展新篇—記國共兩黨成功舉辦兩岸經貿論壇Carrying On the 慗ourney of Peace?to Compose a New Chapter of Development—The Success of the Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Forum Jointly Held by the CPC and Kuomintang |
[柬埔寨]馮利發[Cambodia]Feng Lifa |
海內外中華兒女同心同德 為祖國統一貢獻力量Chinese All Over the World Share the Common Desire of Making Contributions to China's Reunification |
[美國]陳家傑[America]Chen Jiajie |
“臺獨”冒險還能走多遠How Long Can 'Taiwan Independence' Run? |
[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao |
海外統促會簡訊News in Brief About the Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils |
是政治騙局還是經濟策略—臺灣“經濟永續發展會議”質疑Political Fraud or Economic Strategy?—Queries on |
劉建興 高立平Liu Jianxing/Gao Liping |
大陸15項對臺灣新措施是兩岸關係新契機The Mainland's 15 New Measures toward Taiwan Bring New Opportunities to Cross-Straits Relations |
香港 陳守仁Hongkong Chen Shouren |
三重變奏下“簡繁之爭”Simplified Chinese Characters or Original Complex Forms of the Characters? |
謝濤Xie Tao |
傳統模式與現代格局複合型城市─臺灣的市街漫遊An Integration of Traditional Modes with Modern Structures—Strolling in Taiwan's Urban Streets |
石英Shi Ying |
兩岸同根 七夕同俗—獨具風情的閩南、臺灣“情人節”Sharing the Same Root and Common Customs across the Straits—The Distinctive 慙overs Festival?Observed by the People of |
林長華Lin Changhua |
撒播文化種子,喚回鄉情認同—記北京京劇院赴臺灣南部公益演出Spreading Seeds of Culture; Obtaining the Recognition of Compatriots—A Charity Performance in Southern Taiwan Presented by the Peking Opera Theatre of |
吳前進Wu Qianjin |
傳承少林文化 弘揚少林精神Inheriting Shaolin Culture; Spreading Shaolin Spirit |
布朗Bu Lang |
閩臺文化交流與海峽西岸經濟區建設The Fujian-Taiwan Cultural Exchanges and the Construction of the West Straits Bank Economic Zone |
李瑞德 蘇振芳Li Ruide/Su Zhenfang |
中華武術搭起兩岸文化交流的橋梁—記“海峽兩岸中華武術論壇”Chinese Martial Arts Bridge the Cultural Exchanges across the Straits—The Cross-Straits Forum on Chinese Martial Arts |
郭琪Guo Qi |
雪竇山小記A Short Note on Mt. Xuedou |
王維友Wang Weiyou |
張學良及其《謁延平詞》Zhang Xueliang and His 《Pay Homage at Zheng Chonggong's Mausoleum》 |
香港 林友樹Hongkong Lin Youshu |