中國和平統一促進會負責人就陳水扁終止“國統會”發表談話CCPPR Remarks on Chen Shui-bian's Termination of 'the National Unification Council(NUC)' |
深入貫徹胡錦濤總書記關於新形勢下發展兩岸關係的“四點意見” 堅決遏止“臺獨”分裂活動—在中國統促會七屆二次常務理事會上的講話Thoroughly Carrying out CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao's 'Four-Point Guideline' on Cross-Straits Relations under the New Circumstances, Firmly Restraining 'Taiwan Independence' Activities—Speech at the 2nd Session of CCPPR's 7th Managing Directors Assembly |
何魯麗He Luli |
貫徹落實胡錦濤總書記“四點意見” 把寄希望於臺灣人民的工作做到實處Implementing the 'Four-Point Guideline', Deepening the Work of Placing Hopes on the People of Taiwan |
梁國揚Liang Guoyang |
發揮藏學研究民間性優勢 積極開展反“獨”促統工作—在中國統促會七屆二次常務理事會上的發言Giving Play to the Advantage of Tibetology among the People, Sparing No Effort to Oppose 'Taiwan Independence' and Promote National Reunification—Perceptions from the Study of the 'Four-Point Guideline' |
朱曉明Zhu Xiaoming |
理性、靈活、務實的政策與措施—在中國統促會七屆二次常務理事會上的發言Rational, Flexible, and Pragmatic Policy and Measure—Perceptions on Hu Jintao's 'March 4 Speech' |
余克禮Yu Keli |
化“四點意見”為中華民族的精神力量 努力推動兩岸早日實現和平統一Converting the 'Four-Point Guideline' into Spiritual Strength of the Chinese Nation, Promoting a Peaceful Reunification across the Straits |
[加拿大]車英麟[Canada]Che Yinglin |
歷史性突破 綱領性文件—紀念“八項主張”發表十一週年和“四點意見”發表一週年Historic Breakthroughs, Guideline Documents—In Honor of the 11th Anniversary of the 'Eight-Point Proposal' and the 1st Anniversary of the 'Four-Point Guideline' |
[丹麥]葉利宗[Denmark]Ye Lizong |
“八項主張”和“四點意見”將挫敗陳水扁的“臺獨”伎倆The 'Eight-Point Proposal' and the 'Four-Point Guideline' Will Defeat Chen Shui-bian's 'Taiwan Independence' Trick |
[澳大利亞]丘廣齡[Australia]Qiu Guangling |
中臺辦、國臺辦就陳水扁推動“廢統”發表談話The Taiwan Affairs Office of CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Deliver Speeches on Chen Shui-bian's Efforts in Abolishing 'NUC' |
中臺辦國臺辦受權就陳水扁決定終止“國統會”和“國統綱領”發表聲明Statements of the Taiwan Affairs Office of CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Chen Shui-bian's Decision of Abolishing 'NUC and NUG' |
堅定不移推進祖國和平統一發展進程—在中國和平統一促進會和黃埔軍校同學會兩岸形勢座談會上的講話Steadfastly Pushing Forward the Progression of Peaceful National Reunification—Speech at the Symposium of the CCPPR and the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association on the Cross-Straits Situations |
周鐵農Zhou Tienong |
發揚黃埔精神 為祖國統一努力奮鬥—在中國和平統一促進會和黃埔軍校同學會兩岸形勢座談會上的發言Carrying Forward Whampoa Spirit and Striving Hard for National Reunification |
林上元Lin Shangyuan |
反“廢統”、反分裂、救臺灣—聲討陳水扁聲明Opposing 'NUC' Abolishment, Opposing Secession, Saving Taiwan—Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Statement |
Chinese Unification |
精心策劃的“臺獨”冒險—評陳水扁“廢統事件”Deliberately Conceived Risk for 'Taiwan Independence'—On Chen Shui-bian's 'NUC' Abolishment Event |
徐博東/李振廣Xu Bodong/Li Zhenguang |
從“終統事件”談反“獨”促統策略On Strategies for Opposing 'Taiwan Independence' and Promoting Reunification from 'NUC' Termination Event |
臺灣 紀欣Taiwan Ji Xin |
強烈譴責陳水扁的“廢統令”Strongly Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Order of Abolishing 'NUC' |
香港 岑永生Hongkong Cen Yongsheng |
陳水扁“終統”惡行 “臺獨”之心昭然若揭Chen Shui-bian's 'NUC' Termination Trick Reveals His Conspiracy of 'Taiwan Independence' |
澳門 劉藝良Macao Liu Yiliang |
聲討陳水扁“廢統”的“臺獨”行徑Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Act of Abolishing 'NUC' |
香港 陳金烈Hongkong Chen Jinlie |
彩雲不鎖鄉關夢 臺海難分骨肉情—評陳水扁“廢統”Taiwan Straits Will Never Cut Off the Ties of Flesh and Blood—On Chen Shui-bian's Abolishment of 'NUC' |
香港 潘志輝Hongkong Pan Zhihui |
強烈反對“廢統”一意孤行 堅決維護和平統一大局Strongly Opposing the Abolishment of 'NUC', Firmly Safeguarding the Peaceful Reunification |
澳門 霍志釗Macao Ho Zhizhao |
由陳水扁“終統”説起From Chen Shui-bian's Termination of 'NUC' |
[澳大利亞]黃潮平[Australia]Huang Chaoping |
陳水扁“玩火”萬丈深淵等著他Chen Shui-bian's 'Playing with Fire' Will Send Him to Abyss |
[玻利維亞]楊啟周[Bolivia]Yang Qizhou |
“廢統”進一步暴露了陳水扁的野心The Termination of 'NUC' Uncovers Chen Shui-bians' Scheme |
[西班牙]徐松華[Spain]Xu Songhua |
多事之春 “獨”聲四起—強烈譴責陳水扁“廢統”行為An Eventful Period—Strongly Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Act of Abolishing 'NUC' |
[奧地利]倪鐵平[Austria]Ni Tieping |
“廢統”事“獨” 陳水扁誠信破産The Abolishment of 'NUC' Bankrupts Chen Shui-bian's Credit |
[柬埔寨]馮利發[Cambodia]Feng Lifa |
陳水扁背離了臺灣人民的根本利益Chen Shui-bian Can Not Represent the Taiwan Populace |
[加拿大]李光華[Canada]Li Guanghua |
海峽兩岸和平的根本保障—紀念《反分裂國家法》頒行一週年The Fundamental Guarantee for Cross-Straits Peace—In Honor of the First Anniversary of the Enforcement of Anti-Secession Law |
張同新Zhang Tongxin |
孫中山先生的國家統一思想的現實意義Practical Significance of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's National Unification Thoughts |
方廣嶺Fang Guangling |
故鄉情 中國心 凝聚成的堅定信念—部分臺籍政協委員、人大代表暢談要為祖國統一而堅決奮鬥A Firm Faith Rooted in the Passion for the Motherland—Some Taiwan-Native CPPCC Members and NPC Delegates Express Their Determinations of Striving for National Reunification |
孟波Meng Bo |
從“倫敦演説”解讀馬英九的兩岸政策An Interpretation of Ma Ying-jeo's Cross-Straits Policy from His 'London Speech' |
[加拿大]鄭海麟[Canada]Zheng Hailin |
以包容取代對抗 以經濟帶動政治Replacing Confrontation with Tolerance, Driving Political Progress with Economic Development |
[加拿大]梁偉洪[Canada]Liang Weihong |
聽兩岸新春講話 看臺海風雲變幻A Glimpse of the Changes in the Cross-Straits Relations through New-Year Speeches on Both Sides |
[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao |
陳水扁新春“玩火”孤注一擲Chen Shui-bian Risks All in a Single Venture |
[巴西]張無咎[Brazil]Zhang Wujiu |
一杖橫擔日月行Enhancing the Sense of Mission |
[美國]黃企之[America]Huang Qizhi |
謹防陳水扁鋌而走險!Caution: Chen Shui-bian Might Risk Danger in Desperation |
[美國]花俊雄[America]Hua Junxiong |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils |
“嗆聲”陳水扁Condemning Chen Shui-bian |
臺灣 李成嶽Taiwan Li Chengyue |
對陳水扁的兩岸政策説不—從300位臺商聯名簽署《臺商宣言》談起Saying No to Chen Shui-bian's Cross-Straits Policy—From the Declaration Jointly Signed by 300 Taiwan Businesspeople |
沈正一Shen Zhengyi |
對大熊貓入臺説“不”的背後Behind Taiwan's Rejection of Pandas Presented by Chinese Mainland |
王善明Wang Shanming |
都是一家人的感覺真好—記2006年臺灣少數民族青年學生冬令營A Sweet Feeling Like a Family—2006 Winter Camp for Students of Taiwan Minorities |
劍卓Jian Zhuo |
中國和平統一促進會七屆二次常務理事會人事任免名單Personnel Appointment and Dismissal at the 2nd Session of CCPPR's 7th Managing Directors Assembly |
詩三首Three Poems |