

時間:2005-04-07 14:46   來源:



  堅決遏制臺獨分裂活動 維護臺海地區和平穩定 繼續爭取兩岸關係朝著和平統一的方向發展在江澤民同志《為促進祖國統一大業的完成而繼續奮鬥》重要講話發表十週年紀念會上的講話Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splittist Activities, Safeguard Peace in Taiwan Straits, Advance Cross-Straits Relationship Toward Peaceful Reunification─Speech at the Meeting to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Jiang Zemin’s Important Speech ‘Strive to Promote the Great Cause of the Reunification of the Motherland’

賈慶林Jia Qinglin

  不負歷史囑託 為實現祖國和平統一而努力在中國和平統一促進會2005年在京理事新春茶話會上的講話Rearing the Historical Task to Make Concerted Efforts to Achieve China’s Peaceful Reunification─Speech at the 2005 Spring Festival Tea Party of CCPPR

羅豪才Luo Haocai

  《反分裂國家法》的重大意義及其深遠影響Great Significance and Far-Reaching Influence of the Anti-Secession Law

[斯洛伐克]張曼新[Slovakia]Zhang Manxin

  以《反分裂國家法》抑制臺獨膨脹Using the Anti-Secession Law to Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’

[英國]單聲[England]Shan Sheng

  《反分裂國家法》的制定與兩岸現狀的界定Anti-Secession Law and the Status Quo of Across-Straits Relations

[美國]花俊雄[America]Hua Junxiong

  支援中國政府《反分裂國家法》 促進中國和平統一大業Support China’s Anti-Secession Law, Promote China’s Peaceful Reunification


  對制定《反分裂國家法》的幾點思考Some Ideas About the Anti-Secession Law

[紐西蘭]黃瑋璋[New Zealand]Huang Weizhang

  兩岸交流 大勢所趨Cross-Straits Exchange— the Trend of the Times

香港 盧文端Hongkong Lu Wenduan

  全球華人聯手反促統Unite Chinese Throughout the World to Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote China’s Reunification

香港 陳金烈Hongkong Chen Jinlie

  支援立法 遏制臺獨Support Legislation to Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’

香港 霍震寰Hongkong Huo Zhenhuan

  奉勸臺獨懸崖勒馬Advise ‘Taiwan Independence’ Advocators to Wake up to Danger at the Last Moment

香港 趙肖山Hongkong Zhao Xiaoshan

  制定《反分裂國家法》具有重大現實意義China's Reunification Beneficial to World Peace

澳門 顏延齡

  《反分裂國家法》是實現和平統一的法寶Anti-Secession Law─A Magic Weapon for the Realization of China’s Peaceful Reunification

澳門 許自勵Macao Xu Zili

  制定《反分裂國家法》是一項推動祖國和平統一的重要舉措The Enactment of Anti-Secession Law─An Important Act to Promote Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland

澳門 楊允中Macao Yang Yunzhong

  動蕩多變、臺獨囂張的島內局勢─2004年臺灣局勢回顧Turbulent and Changeable Situation in Taiwan Aggravated by ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splittist Activities─Retrospect of the Situation in Taiwan in 2004

彭維學Peng Weixue

  堅持一個中國原則,深入紮實地開展反促統運動Adhere to the ‘One China’ Principle, Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote China’s Reunification

王長魚Wang Changyu

  春節包機雙飛 兩岸三通仍難The Haze Still Covers Taiwan Straits, Despite the Agreement on Charter Plane During Spring Festival

徐博東/陳星Xu Bodong/Chen Xing

  臺灣立委選舉結果及其影響The Result and Impact of Taiwan’s ‘Legislator Election’

李家泉Li Jiaquan

  促統紐西蘭宣言New Zealand Declaration to Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote China’s Reunification


  中國和平崛起與兩岸統一China’s Peaceful Rise and Reunification

[美國]王中平[America]Wang Zhongping

  臺灣同胞對臺獨Taiwan Compatriots Say ‘No’ to ‘Taiwan Independence’

[美國]張文基[America]Zhang Wenji

  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Briefs: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  老驥伏櫪 志在統一訪菲律賓中國和平統一促進會會長陳本顯An Old Hero Still Cherishes High Aspirations for China’s Reunification─An Interview With Chen Benxian, President of Philippines CCPPR

毛蓉君Mao Rongjun

  2004─2005臺灣經濟的回顧和預測Taiwan’s Economy: in Review and Prospect for 2004-2005

劉建興Liu Jianxing

  振興東北的新法寶綠色農業Green Agriculture—A New Method to Invigorate Northeast China

臺灣 佟光英Taiwan Tong Guangying

  緬懷辜振甫先生Ku Chenfu and ’92 Consensus’

劉紅Liu Hong

  峨眉天下秀、樂山大佛Mt. Emei and Leshan Giant Budda

晏華Yan Hua

  登峨眉山感懷Climb Mt. Emei(Poem)

臺灣 許信良Taiwan Xu Xinliang

  金秋時節訪澳門Research on the Origin of Chinese Nation


  我與眷村Juancun and I

臺灣 楊明Taiwan Yang Ming

  自強不息的女畫家張炎俠Making Unremitting Efforts to Paint─Woman Painter Zhang Yanxia

吳銘Wu Ming

  稀世國瓷永宣青花MIng Dynasty Yongxuan Blue-and-White Chinaware─A Rare Treasure

王健華Wang Jianhua



