2005年第一期: |
堅決遏制“臺獨”分裂活動 維護臺海地區和平穩定 繼續爭取兩岸關係朝著和平統一的方向發展─在江澤民同志《為促進祖國統一大業的完成而繼續奮鬥》重要講話發表十週年紀念會上的講話Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splittist Activities, Safeguard Peace in Taiwan Straits, Advance Cross-Straits Relationship Toward Peaceful Reunification─Speech at the Meeting to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Jiang Zemin’s Important Speech ‘Strive to Promote the Great Cause of the Reunification of the Motherland’ |
賈慶林Jia Qinglin |
不負歷史囑託 為實現祖國和平統一而努力─在中國和平統一促進會2005年在京理事新春茶話會上的講話Rearing the Historical Task to Make Concerted Efforts to Achieve China’s Peaceful Reunification─Speech at the 2005 Spring Festival Tea Party of CCPPR |
羅豪才Luo Haocai |
《反分裂國家法》的重大意義及其深遠影響Great Significance and Far-Reaching Influence of the 《Anti-Secession Law》 |
[斯洛伐克]張曼新[Slovakia]Zhang Manxin |
以《反分裂國家法》抑制“臺獨”膨脹Using the 《Anti-Secession Law》 to Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ |
[英國]單聲[England]Shan Sheng |
《反分裂國家法》的制定與兩岸現狀的界定《Anti-Secession Law》 and the Status Quo of Across-Straits Relations |
[美國]花俊雄[America]Hua Junxiong |
支援中國政府《反分裂國家法》 促進中國和平統一大業Support China’s 《Anti-Secession Law》, Promote China’s Peaceful Reunification |
澳大利亞維州越棉寮華人中國和平統一促進會 |
對制定《反分裂國家法》的幾點思考Some Ideas About the 《Anti-Secession Law》 |
[紐西蘭]黃瑋璋[New Zealand]Huang Weizhang |
兩岸交流 大勢所趨Cross-Straits Exchange— the Trend of the Times |
香港 盧文端Hongkong Lu Wenduan |
全球華人聯手反“獨”促統Unite Chinese Throughout the World to Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote China’s Reunification |
香港 陳金烈Hongkong Chen Jinlie |
支援立法 遏制“臺獨”Support Legislation to Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ |
香港 霍震寰Hongkong Huo Zhenhuan |
奉勸“臺獨” 懸崖勒馬Advise ‘Taiwan Independence’ Advocators to Wake up to Danger at the Last Moment |
香港 趙肖山Hongkong Zhao Xiaoshan |
制定《反分裂國家法》具有重大現實意義China's Reunification Beneficial to World Peace |
澳門 顏延齡 |
《反分裂國家法》是實現和平統一的法寶《Anti-Secession Law》─A Magic Weapon for the Realization of China’s Peaceful Reunification |
澳門 許自勵Macao Xu Zili |
制定《反分裂國家法》是一項推動祖國和平統一的重要舉措The Enactment of 《Anti-Secession Law》─An Important Act to Promote Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland |
澳門 楊允中Macao Yang Yunzhong |
動蕩多變、“臺獨”囂張的島內局勢─2004年臺灣局勢回顧Turbulent and Changeable Situation in Taiwan Aggravated by ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splittist Activities─Retrospect of the Situation in Taiwan in 2004 |
彭維學Peng Weixue |
堅持一個中國原則,深入紮實地開展反“獨”促統運動Adhere to the ‘One China’ Principle, Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote China’s Reunification |
王長魚Wang Changyu |
春節包機雙飛 兩岸“三通”仍難The Haze Still Covers Taiwan Straits, Despite the Agreement on Charter Plane During Spring Festival |
徐博東/陳星Xu Bodong/Chen Xing |
臺灣“立委”選舉結果及其影響The Result and Impact of Taiwan’s ‘Legislator Election’ |
李家泉Li Jiaquan |
反“獨”促統紐西蘭宣言New Zealand Declaration to Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote China’s Reunification |
中國和平崛起與兩岸統一China’s Peaceful Rise and Reunification |
[美國]王中平[America]Wang Zhongping |
臺灣同胞對“臺獨”説“不”Taiwan Compatriots Say ‘No’ to ‘Taiwan Independence’ |
[美國]張文基[America]Zhang Wenji |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Briefs: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils |
老驥伏櫪 志在統一─訪菲律賓中國和平統一促進會會長陳本顯An Old Hero Still Cherishes High Aspirations for China’s Reunification─An Interview With Chen Benxian, President of Philippines CCPPR |
毛蓉君Mao Rongjun |
2004─2005臺灣經濟的回顧和預測Taiwan’s Economy: in Review and Prospect for 2004-2005 |
劉建興Liu Jianxing |
振興東北的新法寶─綠色農業Green Agriculture—A New Method to Invigorate Northeast China |
臺灣 佟光英Taiwan Tong Guangying |
緬懷辜振甫先生Ku Chenfu and ’92 Consensus’ |
劉紅Liu Hong |
峨眉天下秀、樂山大佛Mt. Emei and Leshan Giant Budda |
晏華Yan Hua |
登峨眉山感懷Climb Mt. Emei(Poem) |
臺灣 許信良Taiwan Xu Xinliang |
金秋時節訪澳門Research on the Origin of Chinese Nation |
林岷 |
我與眷村Juancun and I |
臺灣 楊明Taiwan Yang Ming |
自強不息的女畫家─張炎俠Making Unremitting Efforts to Paint─Woman Painter Zhang Yanxia |
吳銘Wu Ming |
稀世國瓷─永宣青花MIng Dynasty Yongxuan Blue-and-White Chinaware─A Rare Treasure |
王健華Wang Jianhua |