

時間:2005-01-19 15:51   來源:



  在澳門地區中國和平統一促進會成立大會上的致詞Speech at the Meeting for the Establishment of Macao CCPPR

周鐵農Zhou Tienong

  堅決制止臺獨分裂才能實現祖國和平統一Preventing 'Taiwan Independence' for Realization of China's Reunification

王在希Wang Zaixi

  一國兩制是澳門繁榮的根本保證澳門地區中國和平統一促進會成立大會獻詞Congratulatory Message to the Meeting for the Establishment of Macao CCPPR

澳門 劉藝良Macao Liu Yiliang

  全球反促統力量不斷壯大Ever-Expanding Worldwide Force to Oppose 'Taiwan Independence' and Promote China's Reunification

香港 陳金烈Hongkong Chen Jinlie

  在澳門地區中國和平統一促進會歡迎晚宴上的講話Speech at the Dinner Party for the Establishment of Macao CCPPR

澳門 顏延齡Macao Yan Yanling

  澳門地區中國和平統一促進會是促進和平統一的生力軍Macao CCPPR-A New Force to Promote China's Peaceful Reunification

澳門 崔世昌Macao Cui Shichang

  中國是兩岸同胞共同的家園紀念江澤民八項主張發表十週年兼賀澳門地區中國和平統一促進會成立China is the Common Homeland of the People Across the Taiwan Straits─Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Jiang Zemin's 'Eight-Point Proposals' and Congratulate to the Establishment of Macao CCPPR

臺灣 郭俊次Taiwan Guo Junci

  臺灣人民重挫陳水扁臺獨氣焰Taiwan People Frustrate Chen Shuibian's 'Taiwan Independence' Scheme

彭維學Peng Weixue

  歲末之際談兩岸On Cross-Straits Relations at the End of the Year

劉紅Liu Hong

  癡人説夢臺獨妄想評所謂國號之爭與法理臺獨'Taiwan Independence' Scheme─Idiotic Nonsense─On So-Called Dispute Over the 'Title of the Country' and 'Legal Taiwan Independence'

李家泉Li Jiaquan

  臺灣社會的兩個新危機Two New Crisis in Taiwan Society

劉建興/楊莫莉Liu Jianxing/Yang Moli

  中華文化是凝聚兩岸同胞的血脈Chinese Culture Links Up Compatriots Across the Taiwan Straits

婁傑Lou Jie

  促進祖國統一 振興中華民族在奈米比亞中國和平統一促進會成立大會上的講話Accomplish China's Reunification, Rejuvenate the Chinese Nation─Speech at the Meeting for the Establishment of the Republic of Namibia CCPPR

[奈米比亞]陳慶平[Namibia]Chen Qingping

  奈米比亞中國和平統一促進會成立溫得和克宣言Windhoek Declaration on the Establishment of the Republic of Namibia CCPPR


  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Briefs: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  我把中國和平統一當作自己的事業訪西非中國和平統一促進會秘書長胡介國China's Reunification─My Career─An Interview With Hu Jieguo, Secretary-General of West Africa CCPPR

毛蓉君/周彤Mao Rongjun/Zhou Tong

  一個被撕裂的臺灣A Torn Taiwan

臺灣 李成嶽Taiwan Li Chengyue

  陳水扁當局全力打造綠色媒體Chen Shuibian Authorities Strive to Create 'Green' Media

沈正一Shen Zhengyi

  發展兩岸經貿 實現互利雙贏Develop Cross-Straits Trade and Economic Cooperation to Achieve 'Win-Win'

李非Li Fei

  促進兩岸産業的合作與發展Promote Cross-Straits Industrial Cooperation and Development

王鵬Wang Peng

  昆山製造昆山創造”—海峽兩岸專家學者企業家縱論打造“IT昆山From 'Made in Kunshan' to 'Created by Kunshan'─Cross-Straits ExpertsScholars and Entrepreneurs on the Building of 'IT Kunshan'

桑登平Sang Dengping

  充分發揮福建在兩岸三通中的作用Develop Fujian's Role in Realizing 'Three Direct Links'

楊德明Yang Deming

  兩岸記者西南邊疆行A Travel of Mainland and Taiwan Reporters to Southwestern Border Areas

劉舒淩Liu Shuling

  孔廟 孔府 孔林Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Confucius Family Mansion in Qufu

晏華Yan Hua

  傳承和發展中華傳統文化Carry on and Develop Traditional Chinese Culture

許嘉璐Xu Jialu

  敦煌功臣四文傑Contributions Made by Four Scholars to Research on Dunhuang Grottoes

顧炳樞Gu Bingshu

  千年禮樂 萬古儒學—2004年曲阜國際孔子文化節紀實Confucian Ethical Code and Confucian School─2004 Qufu International Confucian Culture Festival

賈淑紅/孔祥龍Jia Shuhong/Kong Xianglong

  青年畫家牛朝Niu Chao's Traditional Chinese Realistic Paintings

張士增Zhang Shizeng

  2004年總目錄2004 General Table of Contents





