2004年第六期: |
在澳門地區中國和平統一促進會成立大會上的致詞Speech at the Meeting for the Establishment of Macao CCPPR |
周鐵農Zhou Tienong |
堅決制止“臺獨”分裂才能實現祖國和平統一Preventing 'Taiwan Independence' for Realization of China's Reunification |
王在希Wang Zaixi |
“一國兩制”是澳門繁榮的根本保證—澳門地區中國和平統一促進會成立大會獻詞Congratulatory Message to the Meeting for the Establishment of Macao CCPPR |
澳門 劉藝良Macao Liu Yiliang |
全球反“獨”促統力量不斷壯大Ever-Expanding Worldwide Force to Oppose 'Taiwan Independence' and Promote China's Reunification |
香港 陳金烈Hongkong Chen Jinlie |
在澳門地區中國和平統一促進會歡迎晚宴上的講話Speech at the Dinner Party for the Establishment of Macao CCPPR |
澳門 顏延齡Macao Yan Yanling |
澳門地區中國和平統一促進會是促進和平統一的生力軍Macao CCPPR-A New Force to Promote China's Peaceful Reunification |
澳門 崔世昌Macao Cui Shichang |
中國是兩岸同胞共同的家園—紀念江澤民“八項主張”發表十週年兼賀澳門地區中國和平統一促進會成立China is the Common Homeland of the People Across the Taiwan Straits─Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Jiang Zemin's 'Eight-Point Proposals' and Congratulate to the Establishment of Macao CCPPR |
臺灣 郭俊次Taiwan Guo Junci |
臺灣人民重挫陳水扁“臺獨”氣焰Taiwan People Frustrate Chen Shuibian's 'Taiwan Independence' Scheme |
彭維學Peng Weixue |
歲末之際談兩岸On Cross-Straits Relations at the End of the Year |
劉紅Liu Hong |
癡人説夢 “臺獨”妄想─評所謂“國號”之爭與“法理臺獨”'Taiwan Independence' Scheme─Idiotic Nonsense─On So-Called Dispute Over the 'Title of the Country' and 'Legal Taiwan Independence' |
李家泉Li Jiaquan |
臺灣社會的兩個新危機Two New Crisis in Taiwan Society |
劉建興/楊莫莉Liu Jianxing/Yang Moli |
中華文化是凝聚兩岸同胞的血脈Chinese Culture Links Up Compatriots Across the Taiwan Straits |
婁傑Lou Jie |
促進祖國統一 振興中華民族—在奈米比亞中國和平統一促進會成立大會上的講話Accomplish China's Reunification, Rejuvenate the Chinese Nation─Speech at the Meeting for the Establishment of the Republic of Namibia CCPPR |
[奈米比亞]陳慶平[Namibia]Chen Qingping |
奈米比亞中國和平統一促進會成立溫得和克宣言Windhoek Declaration on the Establishment of the Republic of Namibia CCPPR |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Briefs: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils |
我把中國和平統一當作自己的事業—訪西非中國和平統一促進會秘書長胡介國China's Reunification─My Career─An Interview With Hu Jieguo, Secretary-General of West Africa CCPPR |
毛蓉君/周彤Mao Rongjun/Zhou Tong |
一個被撕裂的臺灣A Torn Taiwan |
臺灣 李成嶽Taiwan Li Chengyue |
陳水扁當局全力打造綠色媒體Chen Shuibian Authorities Strive to Create 'Green' Media |
沈正一Shen Zhengyi |
發展兩岸經貿 實現互利雙贏Develop Cross-Straits Trade and Economic Cooperation to Achieve 'Win-Win' |
李非Li Fei |
促進兩岸産業的合作與發展Promote Cross-Straits Industrial Cooperation and Development |
王鵬Wang Peng |
從“昆山製造”到“昆山創造”—海峽兩岸專家學者企業家縱論打造“IT昆山”From 'Made in Kunshan' to 'Created by Kunshan'─Cross-Straits Experts、Scholars and Entrepreneurs on the Building of 'IT Kunshan' |
桑登平Sang Dengping |
充分發揮福建在兩岸“三通”中的作用Develop Fujian's Role in Realizing 'Three Direct Links' |
楊德明Yang Deming |
兩岸記者“西南邊疆行”A Travel of Mainland and Taiwan Reporters to Southwestern Border Areas |
劉舒淩Liu Shuling |
孔廟 孔府 孔林Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Confucius Family Mansion in Qufu |
晏華Yan Hua |
傳承和發展中華傳統文化Carry on and Develop Traditional Chinese Culture |
許嘉璐Xu Jialu |
敦煌功臣四文傑Contributions Made by Four Scholars to Research on Dunhuang Grottoes |
顧炳樞Gu Bingshu |
千年禮樂 萬古儒學—2004年曲阜國際孔子文化節紀實Confucian Ethical Code and Confucian School─2004 Qufu International Confucian Culture Festival |
賈淑紅/孔祥龍Jia Shuhong/Kong Xianglong |
青年畫家牛朝Niu Chao's Traditional Chinese Realistic Paintings |
張士增Zhang Shizeng |
2004年總目錄2004 General Table of Contents |