

2008-07-30 14:13     來源:中國網     編輯:賀晨曦


    1、 Welcome! Warm Welcome! Welcome heartily!

    歡迎!熱烈歡迎!竭誠歡迎! 2、 Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to China!

    歡迎到北京來!歡迎到中國來! 3、 Welcome to the 29th Olympic Games!

    歡迎來第29屆奧運會 4、I welcome foreign friends heartily.

    我竭誠歡迎國外朋友 5、 ake the guest welcome.

    賓至如歸 6、 On behalf of all our staff, please allowe me to express a warm welcome to you.



    1、Where are you from?



    我是法國人。 2、Where do you come from?


    I come from United States.

    我從美國來。 3、What's your nationality?


    My nationality is Spain.

    我的國籍是西班牙。 4、Where does the tall man come from?


    He was born in Congo, but he's a citizen of Canada.

    他生於剛果,但他是加拿大公民。 5、Why do you come to Beijing for studying?


    I hope that I'll live and work here, and stay here until 2008 when Beijing holds      Olympic Games.



    Meeting People and Greeting !

    相遇與問候 1、 How do you do, sir?

    您好,先生! 2、 Let’s introduce myself.

    讓我介紹一下我自己。 3、 So long! Say hello to your family.

    再見!向你家人問好。 4、Have a nice day!

    願你度過美好的一天。 5、 How is it coming recently? Just so so. 近來好嗎?一般。 6、 What’s wrong with you? You donot look so well. I think I’m catching the flu.

    怎麼啦?你的臉色不好。 我想我感冒了。


    Touring and Sightseeing in Beijing 1、Look! How grand and magnificent the Tian'anmen Gate-tower is!


    What's the Tian'anmen famous for?


    It is the largest public square in the world.

    它是世界上最大的公眾廣場。 2、What's that?


    That's the Forbidden City on the north of the Gate Building.

    那是城樓北邊的故宮。 3、You see, that is the Monument for the People's Hero and the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall   on the south.

    你看,南邊是人民英雄紀念碑和毛主席紀念堂。 4、There is the Great Hall of the People on the west. There are two museums on the east.

    人民大會堂在西邊,有兩個博物館在東邊。 5、All of the sightseeing in China are very attractive and impressive. Traveling to China   is very worthwhile.


    Thank you so much for your guiding, and I will miss you.




    Helping Others and Asking for Help

    助人與求助 1、May I help you?

    How's nice of you, thank you.


    你真好,謝謝! 2、Hi,What can I do for you?

    That's very kind of you, thanks.


    你人真好,謝謝! 3、Let me help you to take your suitcase.

    I can do it by myself, thank you!


    我可以自己提,謝謝! 4、Excuse me,what does it cost to send a letter to New York?

    勞駕,寄封信去紐約多少錢? 5、I want to get to Harbin by train. Could you book a ticket for me?

    我要去哈爾濱,你能幫我訂一張票嗎? 6、How many flights are there to Moscow every day?



    1、 Does this bus go to the Workers' Indoor Arena?


    Yes, I think so. It's a number 43.

    是的,我想是的,這是43路。 2、 你覺得我們的新奧運村怎麼樣?

    What do you thinkof our new Olympic Village?


    Oh, I think it's fine.

    啊,我覺得它挺好的。 3、你們還有剩餘的票嗎?

    Have you got any tickets left?


    I'am sorry. I'am afraid we haven't.

    對不起。沒有了。 3、為什麼不去鍛鍊身體?

    Why not take exercise?


    All right,I think I will.

    好吧,我想我樂意 4、你覺得2008年奧運會怎麼樣?

    How did you like the 2008 Olympic Games?


    I like it very much.



    What did you think of the opening ceremony? 你認為開幕式怎麼樣?

    I thought it was wonderful. 我認為開幕式好極了。

    對不起,請問我怎麼去首都體育館? Excuse me, how can I get to the Capital Indoor Stadium? Answer: Well, take the No.111 bus to Baishiqiao.It'll take you right there. 喔,乘111路公共汽車到白石橋下車。下車就到了。我院人人都參加體育活動,幾乎每個人都擅長這種或那種運動。 Everybody in our institute goes in for sports and nearly everyone is good at some sport or other. 註釋:to go in for (something)----參加,從事,進行 to be good at (something)----擅長 some + (noun) + or other ---- 不是這...就是那...  你知道中國體育代表團1984年在洛杉磯奧運會上贏得了多少枚金牌? Do you know how many gold medals Chinese sports delegation won at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984?

    Answer(回答): Yes, I know they won 15 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally. 是的,我知道,他們贏得了15枚金牌,名列金獎牌榜第四名。你打算去體育博物館嗎? Are you going to the Sports Museum?

    Answer(回答): Yes, I want to visit the exhibition of China Sports & Olympic. 是的,我想去參觀中國體育與奧林匹克展覽。你能告訴我這個會標的含義嗎? Can you tell me the meaning of this Emblem?

    Answer(回答): I'm not sure, but I believe it means ... 你能告訴我這個會標的含義嗎? 我不能確定,我認為它的意思是... 你知道這場比賽在哪兒舉行的嗎? Do you know where the match took place? 回答: Yes, it took place at the Workers' Indoor Arena. 是的,在工人體育館舉行的。你知道明天將有一場足球比賽嗎? Do you know that there's going to be a football match tomorrow?  回答: Yes,thanks.My friend told me a few minutes ago. 是的,謝謝。我的朋友幾分鐘前就告訴我了。讓我們去奧林匹克體育中心吧。 Let's go to the Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium.


    Li :There's going to be an exhibition of volleyball match and some gymnastics this evening. Would you like to go ? 李:今天晚上有一次關於排球賽和體操比賽的展覽。你想去看看嗎?

    Mary:Yes, I'd love to. Who are the contestants? 瑪麗:是的,我樂意去。比賽的雙方都是誰?

    Li:In the volley-ball there will be matches between Beijing and Tianjian. 李:排球比賽是在北京隊和天津隊之間的。

    Mary :Wonderfully! I love sports. 瑪麗:好極了,我喜歡體育。您是運動員嗎? A:Are you an athlete? 您是運動員嗎?

    Which game are you in? 您從事什麼項目?

    B:I am a football player/swimmer. 我是足球運動員/游泳運動員。

    A:I like sports.It brings people together. 我喜歡體育。它使人們走到一起來。 B:China has a long history. 中國有悠久的歷史。

    A: There are changes in Beijing everyday. 北京每天都在發生著變化。 遇到問路或打聽銀行時.....

    A: Can you tell me where the nearest bank is? 請問最近的銀行在那裏?

    B:The Bank of China is just across the street, on the right. 中國銀行就在馬路對面,右手邊。

    A:You take the subway and get off at the Qianmen stop. 您乘地鐵,在前門站下車。

    B:It's about ten minutes' walk. 走路十分鐘就到。

