張力軍 環保部副部長(分管污染防治與減排、環境執法等)
吳曉青 環保部副部長(分管環評、監測、環境科技等)
翟 青 污染防治司司長
祝興祥 環境影響評價管理司司長
莊國泰 生態保護司司長
十一屆全國人大二次會議新聞中心 2009年3月10日
At 11:00am on March 11th, the leading officials from Ministry of Environmental Protection will take a group interview on “The current situation and task of environmental protection”at Multifunction Room of Media Center. Journalists from China and abroad with NPC Press Card are welcome to attend.
The relative officials are, Zhang Lijun, Wu Xiaoqing, Zhai Qing, Zhu Xingxiang and Zhuang Guotai.
There will be no interpretation service for the group interview. Please raise your questions in Chinese.
Press Center 2nd Session of the 11th NPC March 10th, 2009
