  來源:      日期:2007-06-27 14:23




  武漢是國家首批沿江對外開放的城市之一,一直是外商投資中西部的熱點地區和首選城市之一。武漢堅持“開放先導”戰略,一大批樞紐性、功能性基礎設施相繼建成並投入使用,極大地提升了城市綜合服務功能。同時,從轉變政府職能入手,對外來企業實行“一條龍”聯合辦公制度、市長對話會制度、受理投訴制度、投資環境責任制度等等,投資環境日益改善。 2005 年,外商投資繼續保持強勁增長勢頭,全市新批合同外資額 19.89 億美元,增長 65.6 %,實際利用外資 17.47 億美元,增長 14.5 %。世界 500 強企業已有 60 家在漢投資,另有 300 多家跨國公司在漢設立了辦事處,其中地區性、區域性總部達到 100 余家。

Magnet for Foreign Investment

As one of the first open cities on the Yangtze, Wuhan has always been a top recipient of foreign investment in central and western China . Thanks to the strategy of “let opening up be the leading strategy”, a great number of functional infrastructures have been built and put into use. As a result, the city's comprehensive service functions are greatly upgraded. As part of efforts to change government functions, a series of measures are introduced to improve the city's investment climate, including one-stop united service system for external investors, mayors' dialogue with investors, investors' complaints receiving system and investment climate responsibility system. 2005 witnessed a continued strong growth momentum of foreign investment. Newly approved committed foreign investment registered 1.989 billion US dollars, an increase of 65.6% from the previous year with an actually utilized foreign investment of 1.74 billion US dollars, up by 14.5%. 60 of world's top 500 companies have made investment in Wuhan . In Addition, over 300 multinational companies have set up offices, of which over 100 have their regional head offices located in Wuhan .

編輯: 張方翼    
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