
Commentary: fairness, efficiency guarantee China's economic growth

時間:2013-03-04 09:58   來源:Xinhua

BEIJING -- Achieving fairness and efficiency is the only way to drive China's economy and make it more sustainable.

The world's second largest economy now stands at a crossroad after 30 years of fast development, in want of a more qualified growth and a fairer system.

China's growth, for one thing, is still plagued, to some extent, by an inefficient growth model of high investment and low return. It is also hindered by unfairness in such areas as income distribution, healthcare and education.

The ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) has pledged to increase the achievements of reform and development, benefiting all people, and to consolidate popular support for deepening reform.

The remarks, reflecting the relationship between fairness and efficiency, suggest the CPC has figured out the key to reform and development.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, vowed to work for better education, more stable jobs, better income, more reliable social security, medical care of a higher standard, more confortable living conditions, and a cleaner environment for the people.

"People's yearning for a good and beautiful life is the goal for us to strive for," Xi said.

The Chinese government has been working on several policies to deepen reforms in fields such as income distribution and environmental protection as the annual full sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, and its advisory body, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), draw near.

The moves underlined the Chinese leadership's resolution to steadily push for reforms, construct a fair social system and realize more efficient growth.

Furthermore, the government has been working to spur reforms in income distribution, break up monopolies in all areas and ensure all people share in the benefits of development, against a backdrop of a shrinking demographic dividend and an increasingly unsustainable export-driven economy.

These timely actions, which enlarge the middle class and improve the work force, will open up more markets and provide human resources for expanding domestic needs and transforming and upgrading various industries.

The NPC and CPPCC sessions, which stress fairness and efficiency among others, will pave the way for socioeconomic development in an efficient and fair way.



