
Schwarzenegger says California to bid for Expo

時間:2010-09-13 13:55   來源:SRC-5677

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger meets the visitors in USA Pavilion.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his delegation visited Expo Site and announced that the state's Silicon Valley will bid for Expo 2020.

Shanghai has proved that hosting a world Expo will attract world's attention, Schwarzenegger said. Expo 2010's success is a mode that has great reference value, he added.

California has world's leading entertainment, agriculture, environment protection, high technology as well as green technology and biotechnology, he continued.

California will pick world's innovation center Silicon Valley as the site for the Expo 2020 and will exhibit the state's innovations and achievements to the world, he said.

He also hoped that California will have the opportunity to become the world's focus, too.

Officials said that the US government and California State government will formally submit the bidding application for Expo 2020 to Bureau of International Expositions in 2011. The Expo site will be set at Moffett Field in Silicon Valley next to San Francisco Bay.


