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Mainland chief negotiator: Stable development of cross-Strait relations remains major task
Chinese mainland pushes for currency clearing mechanism with Taiwan
Mainland official pledges enhanced economic cooperation with Taiwan
Taiwan investment in mainland more than triples in first five months
Chinese mainland calls for joint efforts with Taiwan to safeguard cross-Strait peace
Chinese mainland calls for more cooperation with Taiwan on tourism safety
Chinese mainland, Taiwan negotiators meet to address implementation of cross-Strait pacts
Ban on individual mainland tourists to Taiwan to be lifted by June
Mainland-Taiwan flights to jump by more than 50 percent
Wang Yi, director of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and also director of State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, delivers a speech at the third Straits Forum in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, Ju...
Mainland, Taiwan urged to upgrade joint efforts in safeguarding food safety
Top Chinese oceanic official proposes stronger cooperation between mainland, Taiwan
Mainland, Taiwan to strengthen cooperation on nuclear, food safety
  News Update more>>
Mainland-Taiwan flights to jump by more than 50 percent
Mainland, Taiwan to strengthen cooperation on nuclear, food safety
Mainland tourists to Taiwan hit 2.34 mln by end of May
Grassroots exchanges offer momentum, vitality to mainland-Taiwan relations: top political advisor
Top political advisor calls for consolidated foundation for cross-Strait relations
Third cross-Strait forum holds reception
China's top political advisor addresses cross-Strait forum, stresses grassroots exchanges
China's top political advisor to address Straits Forum
  Opinion more>>
Chinese mainland, Taiwan individual travel heralds closer bond beyond tourism
Mainland announces "proactive" policy package to benefit Taiwan
Face-to-face communication, heart-to-heart exchanges
Strait Forum opens to increase exchanges
Substantial progress made in cross-Strait economic pact talks
Taiwanese to seek inspiration at cross-Strait forum
Chats, fun to dominate festive Mainland-Taiwan forum
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Jia Qinglin calls for promoting cross-Straits grassroots exchanges
Chinese mainland, Taiwan to launch individual travel program
  Staits Forum more>>
Time: June 11-17, 2011
Venue: Fujian, China
Theme: Expanding exchanges, strengthening Cross-Straits cooperation and promoting mutual development
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The 7th Cross-Straits Economic, Trade and Culture Forum
The 2nd Straits Forum
Cross-Straits Forum
  Photos more>>
China's top political advisor addresses cross-Strait forum, stresses grassroots exchanges
Mainland, Taiwan to strengthen cooperation on nuclear, food safety
Gala staged to mark opening of third cross-Strait forum
Third cross-Strait forum opens in Xiamen
China's top political advisor addresses cross-Strait forum
Third cross-Strait forum holds reception
Gala staged to mark opening of third cross-Strait forum
Third cross-Strait forum opens in Xiamen
Sound cross-Strait relations must be maintained: top political advisor
Third Strait Forum to be held in Fujian in June: spokeswoman