Hong Kong Museum of Art
Address: 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2721 0116
Fax: (852) 2723 7666
E-mail: enquiries@lcsd.gov.hk
Opening Hours:
10:00am to 6:00pm daily
Closed on Thursdays (Except Public Holidays) and the first two days of the Chinese New Year
Closed at 5:00pm on Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year's Eve
About the Museum
The Hong Kong Museum of Art is one of the museums managed by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department. Established in 1962, it was first housed in the City Hall, moving to its present purpose-built premises by the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in 1991. The museum also has a branch, the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, located in Hong Kong Park.
It is the mission of the Hong Kong Museum of Art to preserve the cultural heritage of China and promote art with a local focus. Its collections now number in excess of 12,800 art objects, including Chinese paintings and calligraphy works, antique Chinese treasures, paintings of historical significance as well as creations by local artists. The highlights of the collections are on display in the exhibition galleries. To maintain an essential international character, the museum also presents a great variety of thematic exhibitions drawn from local and overseas sources.
Promoting art among the general public is one of the museum's main objectives, and a wide range of educational programmes are organized in support of the exhibitions to enhance participants' knowledge of and interest in artistic creation.
While navigating through our web pages, please remember that you are always very welcome to visit us in person. After all, there's no substitute for the enjoyable and moving experience of encountering a work of art at first hand!
(Editor: Li Guixiang)