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The Chinese Government Striving for Peaceful Liberation of Taiwan
   日期:2003-06-26 09:30        編輯: system        來源:


  Soon after the birth of the People’s Republic of China, the CCP and the Chinese government endeavored to liberate Taiwan peacefully from two aspects.

  The first was to urge the U.S. government to hold talks with the Chinese government. During the Asia-Africa conference (Bandung Conference) in April 1955,Premier Zhou issued a statement: “the Chinese people always remain friendly with the American people and are reluctant to fight against the U.S.The Chinese government would like to sit down and negotiate with the U.S. government, discussing the relaxation of tension in the Far East especially in the Taiwan area.” Zhou’s statement was responded by the U.S. and resulted in the Sino-US talks at ambassadorial level (Geneva-Warsaw negotiation). The negotiation focused on the Taiwan question with 136 meetings and lasted for 15 years from August 1955 to 1970.

  The second was to put forward the proposal of liberating Taiwan Peacefully to the Taiwan authorities. In April 1955, during his visit to Burma, Zhou said to premier US, If the U.S. withdraws its troops, we may liberate Taiwan in a peaceful way; and if Chiang Iai-shek actions in Beijing; if only Chang agrees on the reunification of the country and peaceful liberation of Taiwan and sends the delegation to Beijing, we belive that the Chinese people will Forgive even Chiang Iai-shek himself.” In May, Zhou Enlai made a clear statement at the 15tth session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress:” There are two possibilities for the Chinese people to liberate Taiwan, either by force or by peaceful means. If possible, the Chinese people try to liberate Taiwan in the way of peace.” It was the first time to make public the statement of peacefully liberating Taiwan.

  Since 1956, China fully edtered the stage of socialist construction, which not only required a peaceful and stable environment but also needed to bring every positive factor into play. Under such condition, the CCP further made sure the idea of peaceful Liberation of Taiwan and mentioned a third cooperation with the kuomintang.Chareman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai clarified the concrete policy of peacefully liberating Taiwan on different occasions, with details as follows) It is free to come and go in order to visit relatives and friends. 2) The past misdeed is forgiven and those who make contributions will be awarded.3) The CCP and the Kuomintang shall cooperate and all patriots belong to one big family. 4) Peaceful liberation is realized without mutual destruction.

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