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Party Chief on Taiwan Issue
   日期:2003-06-26 22:34        編輯: system        來源:

  Hu spoke at a panel discussion of the Taiwan delegation to the ongoing first session of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, Tuesday afternoon.
"The solution to the Taiwan issue according to the basic principles of "peaceful reunification, and one country, two systems," is favorable not only for the economic and social development in Taiwan, but also for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," Hu said.
Hu went on to express four points of opinion on the Taiwan-related work "under the new situation", that is, to always adhere to the "One China" principle, to spare no efforts to promote economic and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits, to further implement the principle of "placing hopes on the Taiwan people", and to unite compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to jointly push forward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
"China belongs to the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and is their common home," he said. "We hope to settle disputes through dialogue and negotiations, which can be resumed when the Taiwan authorities definitely accept the one-China principle. We are willing to exchange views with all political parties and people from all walks of life in Taiwan."
Hu called for greater efforts for the early realization of direct links across the Straits in trade, air and shipping services and mail services. He urged local governments to earnestly implement the law on the protection of investment from Taiwan and provide better services to Taiwan business people in their business operations on the mainland.
The existing Taiwan-related regulations and policies should also be further improved to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots, he added.

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