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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
Vice-Premier Qian Qichen Meets Taiwan Delegations
   日期: 2003-10-24 14:34         編輯: system         來源:


Chinese Vice-premier Qian Qichen said in Beijing January 5 that he appreciates the effort by individuals and organizations in Taiwan to promote direct links in trade, transportation and postal services (the "three direct links") across the Taiwan Straits.

Qian made the remarks in a meeting with two delegations from Taiwan for "three links", headed respectively by Her Jyh-Huei from Taiwan's Kuomintang and Fung Hu-Hsiang from Taiwan's New Party.

Qian said that early in 1979 the mainland suggested direct links in trade, transportation and postal services across the Taiwan Straits, which became impossible because of obstructions by the Taiwan authorities.

He noted, however, that the "three direct links" has now become the common desire of Taiwan compatriots and a common understanding between the mainland and those political parties, organizations and personage who advocate promoting across-Straits relations.

Qian said that during the past 20 years the mainland has done a lot to prepare for the "three direct links". Some non- governmental organizations on both sides of the Straits have also carried out discussions and negotiations on this issue.

It is time for the Taiwan authorities to abandon its policy of hindering the "three direct links" and make a contribution to the realization of the "three direct links", said Qian.

The "three direct links" is related to the development of the mainland and Taiwan in the 21st century. The two sides can achieve prosperity and development through exchange and cooperation, noted Qian.

Qian also pointed out that the "three direct links" is an internal affair of China and should be realized by the two sides of the Straits on the basis of "directness, two-way and mutual benefit".

He said that the "three direct links" will finally realize with effort by the two sides of Straits.


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