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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
Trade organizations receive Taiwan Strait office approval
   日期: 2012-12-12 13:54         編輯: 楊雲濤         來源: Xinhua


BEIJING -- Two trade organizations, one from Taiwan and one from the Chinese mainland, have been given approval to set up offices across the Taiwan Strait, a mainland spokesperson said Wednesday.

The Taipei World Trade Center, a leading trade group in Taiwan, was cleared to set up offices in Beijing and Shanghai, said Fan Liqing, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.

The mainland-based China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products was also approved to set up an office in Taipei, Fan said at a regular press conference.

Fan also expressed support for cultural institutions that wish to open offices across the strait.

If cultural institutions on both Taiwan and the mainland open offices across the strait, they will be able to promote cultural exchanges and better serve artists, she said.

"We hope the two sides can discuss this topic and reach a common understanding as soon as possible," she said.

When asked to comment on whether the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office plans to set up accounts on Taiwanese social networking websites to interact with local netizens, Fan said it was a good idea and the office would consider it.

About 200 experts and scholars from the mainland and Taiwan attended a two-day forum in Taipei on Monday and Tuesday.

Fan said the forum was a constructive effort made by the two sides to exchange ideas on mutual trust and peaceful development.

"Experts from the two sides agreed on some ideas and had differences as well, which is natural. That's why we need communication and exchanges," she said. "We support and encourage scholars to build a common understanding and contribute ideas to solve upcoming problems."


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