Beijing marks 300-day countdown to Shanghai Expo with exhibition

時間:2009-07-06 08:49   來源:SRC-174

Ken Wheatley, Director of Sales of Business Products in Asia Pacific of Christie Digital, accepts an interview by reporters during a large exhibition marking the 300-day countdown of the opening of Expo 2010 Shanghai at Capital Museum in Beijing, July 5, 2009.(Xinhuanet/Yu Shenfang)


BEIJING, July 5 (Xinhuanet) - A grand ceremony was held Sunday to mark 300-day countdown of World Expo 2010 Shanghai at the Beijing Capital Stadium followed by a large exhibition detailing the latest developments in Expo preparations.

The ceremony, by the name of "Expo of Expos," shows China is busy fine-tuning for perfect staging of the World Expo 2010 that will be put on in Shanghai from May 1st to October 30 next year with the theme of "Better City, Better Life."

People attend ceremony marking the 300-day countdown of the opening of Expo 2010 Shanghai at Capital Museum in Beijing, July 5, 2009.(Xinhuanet/Yu Shenfang)


"It will be a great event. The Chinese government is doing very much good job for the Expo," Guido Gudat, Head of Communications of German Pavilion, told reporters with the, also known as

World Expo 2010 Shanghai is the first of its kind to focus on "city". Its theme has received wide attention from many nations and international community.

Ken Wheatley, Director of Sales of Business Products in Asia Pacific of Christie Digital, said "It is everybody's goal to have a better future and offer full excitement for the future," when commenting on the theme of Shanghai Expo.

"It is a great slogan," he said.

There are two significant highlights of Shanghai 2010 World Expo. Expo Shanghai Online ( is one of them. Shanghai Expo uses 3D technique to present online the different pavilions, exhibits and exhibition items.

Another highlight is the Urban Best Practice Area (UBPA). As a pioneering creation of Expo Shanghai, the UBPA will comprise of 4 exhibition areas: Livable Cities, Sustainable Urbanization, Protection and Utilization of Historical Heritage, as well as Technological Innovation in Built Environment.

During the Expo, visitors can enjoy various types of colorful culture performs and arts activities, including the performances that reflect the culture characteristics and the skill level of countries around the world. Nearly 100 events will be on stage at the site every day, and the total number of events in the duration will exceed 20,000.


Haibao, the Shanghai World Expo's mascot, is seen at the entrance of a large exhibition marking the 300-day countdown of the opening of Expo 2010 Shanghai at Capital Museum in Beijing, July 5, 2009. (Xinhuanet/Wang Hongjiang)



