
ROK Pavilion surpasses target

時間:2010-10-08 15:15   來源:SRC-5677

Jiang Weilin (second from right) and his wife Xu Xinxin (center) pose with staff members of the pavilion.

The Republic of Korea Pavilion achieved its 6 million visitor target at 11:30am today with 24 days remaining.

The lucky visitor, 56-year-old Jiang Weilin, received two 5,000 yuan (US$747) tourism coupons to ROK. He works at the Taishan Medical University in Shandong Province.

Jiang's wife Xu Xinxin said she often made dumplings with her Korean friends and was familiar with Korean culture. She said she was excited about the upcoming tour to the Jeju Island, her dream destination.

The ROK Pavilion records a daily attendance of 43,000 on average. With the target achieved, the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, the operator of the pavilion, expects to welcome more than 7 million visitors through the Expo.

The Expo site had received 59.34 million visitors as of October 5, and 5.93 million of them toured the ROK Pavilion.


