
Robots join in the fun at Shanghai World Expo

時間:2010-05-11 13:54   來源:SRC-174

SHANGHAI, May 9 (Xinhua) -- As the tune of the famed Chinese folk song "Jasmine Flower" came to the end, the crowd clapped enthusiastically to salute the player - a humanoid robot.

"It can even play the violin!" exclaimed one visitor to the Japan Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo.

Toyota Motor Corp.'s "Partner Robot" became a superstar at the Aichi Expo in 2005. In Shanghai, it will not only entertain, but also help out with household chores.

Robots of all shapes and sizes are on display or on the job at the Shanghai Expo which opened May 1.

Over the six months it runs, one of the aims of the Expo is to showcase advanced technology, and robots that sing, cook, and collect trash, and that do expo security work.

Several 58-cm-tall humanoid robots known as "Nao" are at the France Pavilion. Others are at the exhibition "Paris - Ile de France: A River, A Territory, A Lifestyle" in the Expo's Urban Best Practice Area.


