
China's story is the world's story

時間:2010-05-06 09:54   來源:SRC-6201

Part 1

With the opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo, the world once again turns its eyes to China.

"From my first visit to Shanghai in 1972 to the present, the world has undergone profound changes. Nowhere have these changes been more far-reaching than in China itself." said Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. National Security Adviser, who is looking forward to witnessing the Shanghai Expo.

From the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, carrying the dream of national revival and promoting the world's harmonious development, China will compose a new chapter in its story.

Part 2

From the beginning, China's story is not an isolated one in the world's history. There are 1.3 billion people in China. China and the world embrace each other enthusiastically and China's story is bound to become part of the world's story.

The global financial crisis has further pushed China to an advanced position in dealing with global issues and discussing them with the international community. China and other countries will overcome difficulties and form a global village together in the future. With China and the world engaging in closer cooperation, China's story and the world's story will become more and more intertwined.

'Concern about the changes in China is also concern about changes in the world.'

In the early 80s of last century, U.S. scholar John Nesbitt wrote a popular book titled "Megatrends." Some 20 years later, "China's Megatrends" by the same scholar attracted the attention of the world once again. His understanding and grasp about the influence of China is generally accepted by readers all over the world.

Part 3

"No one was quite ready for how fast China has emerged. Now everyone is trying to understand what sort of China they will be dealing with," said Kristin Forbes of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, describing the "sense of uncertainty" brought about by China's rise.

"I am not worried about the Chinese century, but I would like to know what it means to my three sons". Retired U.S. Air Force employee Wayne Nunnari said, speaking of the significance of the China's story from the perspective of family.

This is a great story. It has not only changed the world with its unique vigor and vitality rapidly, but also aroused emotional ripples and deep thinking among the politicians and the public all over the world.

David Lampton, expert on China issues, gave the following explanation on this attitude: "Let's think, what makes people fear? People fear things they do not know. They fear things changing too fast and huge things. But to the Western world, China includes all of the above. "

Part 4

The rich heritage of China's story lies in its unique history and culture.

The Chinese nation, a civilization with a history of several thousand years, is a nation of peace-loving, freedom-advocating and justice-pursuing people. Chinese culture is a genuine culture of peace. For thousands of years, "peace is precious" has been always the main line of Chinese social thought.

"Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire" has been always a basic value orientation of the Chinese nation. "Harmonization and Difference," "To carry the outer world with a breadth of character" shows the broad mind of Chinese people. Desire for and the pursuit of peace, as an ethos of the Chinese nation, is deeply engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Is a powerful China awful?

"China is a civilized country"; "the most unlikely trait of China is aggression, and the China's history has shown that Chinese people never have been over-aggressive."

Culture is the key to understanding China, which is becoming the consensus of international community.

Part 5

Openness and integration are two core words of China's story.

In the 30 years since reform, China has moved from being closed to openness, from isolation to integration, from the spectators of the international system to active participant and builder.

Interaction between China and the world first started with the exchange of ideas. China actively learns from the achievements of the advanced civilization, but also contributes wealth to the world on material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization.

The Interaction between China and the world is highlighted in the economic sphere. China has been developed rapidly during the process of integration into the world economy, and the world has been reaping opportunities in connection with the Chinese economy.

Interaction between China and the world is also a kind of mutual understanding and mutual adjustment. In the eyes of foreign scholars, "the competitive advantage of China as a country and a nation lies in its willingness to adapt to any necessary reform for its own benefit", "no other country like China takes so large-scale adjustment and adaptation, and few nations has dedication and ambition like China".

Interaction brings continued success for China but also injects impetus for development into the world.

China's story shows the charm of win-win cooperation.

Part 6

China's story integrates continually with the world's stories, and the world is better understanding China's story. Peaceful development is the trend of the times, and even more it is the essence of China's story.

Doubt, misunderstanding and even hostility have begun to subside. Those who are not very willing to update their concept of China also have to change and adjust their perspective and attitude when observing China.

The forecasts even accurate to specific year of turning occurs by all kinds of forecasting, calculation, the violent words "crash", "civil strife" and "steering" and so on, have been gradually back of mind in the evolution of the China's story with successive climaxes.

"What's right China has done?" This is a lecture topics given by University of Chicago to Chinese scholar. It was completely different with the accustomed perspective "what's wrong China has done ".

Many scholars from different countries have begun to dissect what happened in this great Eastern country in various levels such as culture, traditions and social structures and so on. The views are more open, and eyes are more sensitive. They began to try a new theory to explain the mystery of China's story.

"This is a country in which history is constantly rewritten in the economy and society. This is a fertile soil with cultural and ideological prosperity. This is an era in which the new model accumulates and resounds through the Universal."

The praise of Englishman Martin Jacques represents China a new idea that the world observed China. With this idea, many people began to re-construct China's story in their own eyes.

Change has occurred.

Part 7

The history of human civilization is the history of continual improvement.

The history of human civilization is the history of continual improvement.

China's story injects strong, healthy and fresh factors into global development and makes the world's story fuller.

The attractiveness of China's story is that it creates a more moving prospect for the world. The framework of the history of human civilization, which has taken Western civilization as the main standard-bearer for hundreds of years, is evolving toward a more colorful, more diverse direction.

If China's development is the climax destined to appear in long course of human civilization, then those who like or do not like China, or even those who are prejudiced against China, are also unable to avoid such a climax.

How to deal with the changes in China? How to get along with China?

British scholar Martin Wolf said these words a few years ago "Facing the overall rise of China, how should other countries deal with it? Calmness and peace is the best way."

Some maverick scholars in the United States have constantly proposed new concepts such as "China Times", "Sino—US co-administration," "co-evolution with China" and so on. No matter what the intention is behind these new terms, one thing is clear: the West began to accept China as a kind of deterministic force.

Part 8

Today, China's story is rapidly changing.

In Joseph Nye's view, "China's economic growth not only greatly benefits developing countries, China's special development mode and path is also available as a model for some countries. In the future, what's more important is that the advocacy of political values, social development models and foreign policy practices of China will further generate public sympathy and influence in the world. "

Hand in hand, intertwined harmony. A Climax, magnificent history of human civilization, is extending so boldly... ...

Part 9

Beautiful Shanghai World Expo, is an event to strengthen economic and cultural exchanges, promote human civilization and progress.

This is the first comprehensive World Expo held in a developing country in history. It reflects the ideology of this era, which is common development and common prosperity, and also embodies the clear understanding and relentless pursuit of China as a developing country.

China's development has long way to go. No matter the size or difficulty, it is unique in today's world and rare in human history. To achieve modernization and for the entire people to live in peace, prosperity and happiness, China still needs long-term arduous efforts.

Join the festivities and create together. Let the Shanghai World Expo be successful, splendid and unforgettable. Write a new brilliant chapter for the story of China and the story of the world.



