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China aims to achieve national reunification through peaceful means: lawmaker
   日期:2005-11-28 14:34        編輯: system        來源:


China shall do its utmost with maximum sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification, a senior Chinese lawmaker said Tuesday.

"After the country is reunified peacefully, Taiwan may practice systems different from those on the mainland and enjoy a high degree of autonomy," said Wang Zhaoguo, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), at parliament annual session.

Deputies to the NPC attending the session will deliberate the draft Anti-Secession Law and vote to ratify the Law on March 14.

Wang said in his explanations on the draft Law that adhering tothe one-China principle is the unshakable basis for the settlement of the Taiwan question.

"The one-China principle reflects the very fact that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same China and highlights our goal of a peaceful reunification," he said. "'Peaceful reunification and one country, two systems' has been our basic policy in achieving a solution to the Taiwan question."

A reunification by peaceful means best serves the fundamental interests of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included, as it is conducive to fostering a warm affection among compatriotson both sides, to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole and to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, he said.

The "one country, two systems" formula not only embodies the principled position of achieving national reunification and safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity, but allows a high degree of flexibility by taking into full account Taiwan's past and present circumstances, Wang said.


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