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Resolving Taiwan question 'entirely' internal affair: legislator
   日期:2005-11-28 14:26        編輯: system        來源:


A senior Chinese lawmaker said here Tuesday that resolving the Taiwan question and accomplishing national reunification is entirely an internal affair of China bearing on the fundamental interests of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included.

"The Taiwan question is one that is left over from China's civil war of the late 1940s...On this question, we will not submitto any interference by outside forces," Wang Zhaoguo, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), said in his explanations on the draft Anti-Secession Law to lawmakers at the NPC annual session.

Wang reiterated there is but one China in the world, and both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China, and China's sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division.

"This is our principled position on the Taiwan question, a position that enjoys the support of the entire Chinese people," hesaid.

Noting the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are yet to be reunified owing to many complex factors, he said, the fact that Taiwan is part of China and both the mainland and Taiwan belong toone and the same China remains unchanged.

According to him, the draft legislation further makes it clear that safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity isthe common obligation of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included, Taiwan is part of China and the state shall never allow the "Taiwan independence" forces to make Taiwan secede from China under any name or by any means.


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