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Wu urges good legislation of Anti-secession Law
   日期:2005-11-28 14:05        編輯: system        來源:


The Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, concluded its 14th meeting on Monday afternoon after approving a number of laws, amendments, conventions and reports.

Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of the 10th NPC, presided over the meeting.

Wu urged all deputies to honor their responsibilities in the upcoming Third Plenary Session of the 10th NPC, which is very significant in state political affairs and is drawing attention around the world.

He pointed out that an important item on the agenda would be the consideration of the draft anti-secession law. Wu noted that it is the common will of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and of NPC deputies to safeguard national unity and oppose attempts to split the country.

"I hope the deputies will discuss the draft law carefully and accomplish the solemn mission to legislate the anti-secession law," said Wu.

Wu also called attention to the issue of occupational safety, which he said is a matter related to economic development and social stability as well as in the public interest.

Although lawmakers believe the State Council report on this matter is realistic and contains practical guidelines to boost safety, they believe that more work must be done on implementation. They suggested that large state-owned coal mines invest more in workplace safety, that small and unlicensed mines be closed down and that work safety departments scale up enforcement and supervision.

Also at the meeting, the draft agenda for the 10th NPC's Third Plenary Session was approved, as was the examination report on NPC deputies' qualifications conducted by the Standing Committee's Credentials Committee. The NPC currently has 2,988 deputies.

The annual draft work report of the Standing Committee was given the green light and will be submitted to the NPC full session.


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