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首頁-英文頻道-key documents-FAQ on Taiwan Issue-QA white papers
Why did the Chinese Government Publish the White Paper Entitled  [2001/04/17]
What are the Main Contents of the White Paper?  [2001/04/17]
Why is Taiwan "an Inalienable Part of China?"  [2001/04/17]
How has the International Community Recognized the Fact That Taiwain Belongs to China?  [2001/04/17]
What Damages did Japanese Occupation of Taiwan Inflict on the Chinese Nation?  [2001/04/17]
How did the Chinese People Wage Struggles Against the Aggression of Taiwan by Foreign Countries?  [2001/04/17]
What is the Taiwan Question all About?  [2001/04/17]
Why is the United States Government Responsible for the Taiwan Question?  [2001/04/17]
In Normalizing Sino-US Relations,How did the Chinese Government Negotiate with the United States on the Taiwan Question?  [2001/04/17]
Why is it That the Normalization of Relations Between China and the United States has Created Favorable Conditions for the Settlement of the Taiwan Question?  [2001/04/17]
Why are the Three Sino-US Joint Communiqus the Foundation for Stable, Normal and Healthy Development of Relations between China and the United States?  [2001/04/17]
What were the Political Intentions behind the So-called Taiwan Relations Act Passed by the US Congress?  [2001/04/17]
What is the Chinese Government s Basic Policy Regarding the Settlement of the Taiwan Question?  [2001/04/17]
What are the Basic Contents of "Peaceful Reunification" and "One Country, Two Systems" Policy?  [2001/04/17]
Why is the "One Country, Two Systems" Policy Feasible?  [2001/04/17]
Why does the Chinese Government Propose to Settle the Taiwan Question by Peaceful Means and, at the Same Time, does not Undertake to Renounce the Use of Force?  [2001/04/17]
Why is the Taiwan Question Entirely Different from the German Question and the Korean Question?  [2001/04/17]
Why does the Chinese Government Propose to Realize Direct Cross-Straits Post and Telecommunications Services, Trade and Air and Water Transportation before Reunification of the Country?  [2001/04/17]
What Measures has the Chinese Government Taken to Promote Relations between the two Sides of the Taiwan Straits?  [2001/04/17]
Why must Relations between the two Sides of the Taiwan Straits Develop under the "One China" Principle?  [2001/04/17]
Why are "Wang Daohan--Koo Chen-fu Talks" an Important Step of Historical Significance in the Development of Relations between the two Sides of the Taiwan Straits?  [2001/04/17]
Why is it Said that the Taiwan Authorities Mainland Policies are Still Seriously Obstructing Development of Cross-Straits Relations and Reunification of the Country?  [2001/04/17]
It is Reasonable and Justifiable for Taiwan Compatriots to Aspire to Administer Taiwan as Masters of their Own Destiny. Why is it so?  [2001/04/17]
Why does the Chinese Government Insist on Fighting Attempts of Separation and "Taiwan Independence"?  [2001/04/17]
Why does the Chinese Government Insist that Countries Which have Established Diplomatic Relations with China should not Establish any Official Relations with Taiwan?  [2001/04/17]
Why does not the Chinese Government Object to Taiwan s Maintaining Non-Governmental Economic and Cultural Exchanges with Foreign Countries?  [2001/04/17]
Why does the Chinese Government Stand Opposed to the Taiwan Authorities Activities to "Enlarge International Living Space" Aimed at Creating "Two Chinas" or "One China, One Taiwan?"  [2001/04/17]
How does the Chinese Government Handle Relations between International Organizations and Taiwan?  [2001/04/17]
Why is Taiwan not Qualified to Participate in the United Nations?  [2001/04/17]
Why is the Chinese Government Opposed to the US Congress Discussion and Support of a Plan United Nations?  [2001/04/17]

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