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Chinese, French presidents hold phone conversation
   日期:2004-04-07 15:04        編輯: system        來源:




BEIJING, March 31 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao and his French counterpart Jacques Chirac talked by telephone Wednesday afternoon.



During the talks, Chirac reiterated that France will firmly stick to the one-China policy, noting that France will strive to push forward the comprehensive strategic partnership with China.



The French president briefed Hu on the French side's ideas for furthering France-China economic and trade cooperation and for the upcoming activities of the French culture year in China, a sister event of the Chinese culture year in France.

Chirac also talked about the progress of EU lifting its ban on arms sale to China.

Hu appreciated France's stance of sticking to the one-China policy on the Taiwan issue.



The Chinese government attaches importance to the Sino-French ties and is willing to enrich and expand bilateral relations, and enhance the mutually-beneficial cooperation with France in all fields, Hu said.



The French culture year in China will definitely be a success as related departments of the two governments have been cooperating closely, the Chinese president said.



The lifting of the ban on arms sales to China by the EU at an early date will be conducive to the sound and overall development of Sino-EU relationship, Hu said.



Hu said he believes that the Sino-French comprehensive strategic partnership will be more fruitful with the joint efforts from the two countries.



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