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China Maps out Objectives for Its EU Policy
   日期:2003-10-13 17:06        編輯: system        來源:


China Monday mapped out in a diplomatic strategy document the objectives of its policy towards the European Union (EU).

The document, titled "China's EU Policy Paper",  is the first ever paper on the nation's policy towards the European Union.  According to the paper, China's EU policy objectives are:

-- To promote a sound and steady development of China-EU political relations under the principles of mutual respect, mutualtrust and seeking common ground while reserving differences, and contribute to world peace and stability;

-- To deepen China-EU economic cooperation and trade under the principles of mutual benefit, reciprocity and consultation on an equal basis, and promote common development;

-- To expand China-EU cultural and people-to-people exchanges under the principle of mutual emulation, common prosperity and complementarity, and promote cultural harmony and progress betweenthe East and the West.

In retrospect, the paper says China and the European Economic Community established diplomatic relations in 1975, China and the EU launched their annual summit mechanism in 1998 and in 2001, the two sides established a full partnership.

It says China attaches importance to the role and influence of the EU in regional and international affairs.

Despite their twists and turns, China-EU relations as a whole have been growing stronger and more mature and are now on the track of a comprehensive and sound development, the paper says, noting that "China-EU relations now are better than any time in history."

"There is no fundamental conflict of interest between China andthe EU and neither side poses a threat to the other," says the paper, adding that "the common ground between China and the EU faroutweighs their disagreements."

The paper notes that both China and the EU stand for democracy in international relations and an enhanced role of the UN and both are committed to combating international terrorism and promoting sustainable development through poverty elimination and environmental protection endeavors.

It says China and the EU are highly complementary economically thanks to their respective advantages and both China and the EU member states have a long history and splendid culture each and stand for more cultural exchanges and mutual emulation. 


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