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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
First cross-Strait elite forum concludes with joint proposal
   日期: 2005-09-19 13:27         編輯: system         來源:


SHANGHAI-- The first forum of elites from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan ended here Friday with a joint proposal calling for closer economic ties and pushing the peaceful and stable development of the cross-Strait relations.

The four-point proposal encourages Taiwan's businessmen to invest in the mainland, saying their lawful rights will be protected.

It claims to actively push the progress of direct flights between the mainland and Taiwan in 2006.

Meanwhile, the proposal calls for promoting agricultural exchanges and cooperation across the Taiwan Strait, including trade of agricultural products and exploration of fishing resources.

It also stresses the normalization of economic relations, such as two-way investment and cooperation in banking, securities and insurance.

The two-day forum of elites, which opened Thursday in Shanghai, attracted more than 120 scholars and business figures from both sides of the Straits. They discussed issues such as the economic development of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan businessmen's investment in the mainland, direct air and shipping links across the Straits, the prospect of agricultural exchange and cooperation between the two sides, and improvement in cross-Strait investment and trade during the forum.

Jointly sponsored by the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee and the policy research center of the PFP Central Committee, the forum is regarded as a major step in implementing the communique issued after the meeting between General Secretary Hu Jintao of the CPC Central Committee and PFP Chairman James Soong in May.


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