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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
Press Conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Dec.28
   日期: 2011-12-29 09:01         編輯: 楊雲濤         來源: Xinhua


Chinese mainland to further implement ECFA tariff reductions in 2012: spokesman

BEIJING -- In 2012 the Chinese mainland will implement the second phase of tariff reductions on the goods and services listed in the early harvest program of the cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), a mainland spokesman said Wednesday. Full Story

Denial of "1992 Consensus" jeopardizes cross-Strait talks: mainland spokesman

BEIJING -- A Chinese mainland spokesman warned that the "1992 Consensus" is a prerequisite for talks and negotiations between the mainland and Taiwan, and that denying it will jeopardize these talks. Full Story


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