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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
Island getaway
   日期: 2011-05-16 15:50         編輯: 楊雲濤         來源: China Daily


Taipei 101 towers over the capital's skyline and from 2004 was the world's tallest building until Burj Khalifa was opened in Dubai. Provided to China Daily

From the heights of Taipei 101 to the depths of sulfurous hot spring baths, the capital of Taiwan province has a lot to offer

A weekend in Taipei can be made up of a rapid succession of attractions wrapped up in a subtropical garden of delights. The city's compact size and convenient transport options allow visitors to see and do more in 48 hours than they could in a week elsewhere. The capital of Taiwan province is a concentrate of the mainland experience, slightly more traditional, with hints of Japanese, European and Aboriginal influences - and a style all its own. Here are five must-see sites and experiences.


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